Kim Kardashian is klearly a woman on a mission at this point. With her and her sisters having all recently launched a new website and affiliated app, and with Kylie Jenner’s reigning supreme above all, Kim is needing to find new ways to lure in traffic. Well, new old ways, really. She’s just standing around in a black bra here. Kardashian is using the racy image to draw people to her official website, The caption that accompanies this picture references a behind-the-scenes Givenchy fitting that fans can “unlock” on her site. It will cost $2.99 to do so, of course. According to a recent tabloid cover story, Kim is so angry over Kylie’s success that she may take her half-sibling to court . She’s allegedly irate that Jenner is copying Kim’s look and Kim’s path to riches (i.e. posing often without a lot of clothing on) and she believes she’s entitled to royalties as a result of Jenner’s emulation. Which is hilarious. The best part of this sisterly feud, of course, will take place when Kardashian grows so upset and so desperate to regain her status as the most popular family member that she resorts to the inevitable. We all know a second Kim Kardashian sex tape is on the way, don’t we? View Slideshow: Kim Kardashian Nude Pictures: A Tantalizing Timeline
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Kim Kardashian is Really Getting Desperate Now