Tag Archives: almost-amazing

Naomi Campbell Does Agent Provocateur of the Day

Naomi Campbell was at one point in time one of the biggest things in modelling, which is almost amazing to think about, because the world is racist, and most tall black girls aren’t made into millionaire models, but instead used for other things, like the mom of 6 babies with different daddies…I’ve seen Maury…I know how it is… Luckily, I’ve never been a racist, I mean the first tits I ever jerked off to were from National Geographic African tribes, and I’ve carried that love for black women with saggers into my adult life, not that I’ve ever banged any black girls, they always give me atitude and laugh at my small penis…but I would… Not that this has anything to do with Naomi Campblell, the billionaire dating supermodel, who clearly still has it going on in Agent Provocateur lingerie….but this is my site, I’ll talk about what I want to…

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Naomi Campbell Does Agent Provocateur of the Day

Amy Childs Loves Her New Boobs of the Day

This is probably one of the more ridiculous celebrity who isn’t a celebrity news stories that I had to post because it is just so stupid….Amy Childs, a bitch you’ve never heard of….and if you have it is either cuz you are in the UK….or because you love fake tits on bitches who show them off…until upgrading them….for the media to make a story out of the shit… I generally hate fake tits, cuz the girls who get them, especially the ones who size up on them, are usually fucking insecure garbage who put their importance on a purchased item…like a dude who drives a porsche and relies on that porsche to get him jobs, bitches, and self worth….only more convenient to carry around with you….but I do like anything that saves shitty tits so I am torn….But videos like this, discussing a whore’s happiness from making a move from C to DD, is almost amazing…it’s one of those let’s all question humanity or the human experience situations….

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Amy Childs Loves Her New Boobs of the Day

Tila Tequila Grocery Shopping in her Thong of the Day

I had an internal battle over these pictures because I hate Tila Tequila with a passion and I know she’s bottom feeding as hard as she can because MTV made her a star for a couple years and now, she’s done, like expired milk, no one wants anything to do with her, not even the homeless people and morons, cuz they know expired milk, although nutritious, causes serious shitting problems….but I run a site based on bitches being bottom feeding trash, so that she’s come to this is partially worth celebrating… I saw her on Twitter last night announce she has anal sex, like people are supposed to get excited knowing that shit. I saw her do some stripshow 10,000 people watched. I saw her latch to the death of someone she barely knew, pretending they were engaged, and the whole thing was desperate, annoying, partially insane, and I really hoped it ended up in suicide, but instead it ended in this…. Her calling the paparazzi to watch her grocery shop in a thong. She’s holding on as hard as she can, but I’m glad her fake celebrity that never deserved to be a celebrity, and was just fake myspace friends, that MTV confused for relevance, finally comes crashing down…. She’s pulled every stunt she’s see in the tabloids, from sizing up melons, to reading STAR, to bending over cuz she “accidentally” dropped something, to wearing a see through dress. This is almost amazing….not for her but for everyone else…What it comes down to is that this cunt is almost scary, totally unstable, very pathetic and here are the pics… Pics via Bauer

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Tila Tequila Grocery Shopping in her Thong of the Day