Tag Archives: the-billionaire

Jade Jagger Topless of the Day

Jade Jagger is the billionaire heir to the Rolling Stone fortune – along with Mick’s other 100 kids… She is Bianca Jagger’s daughter, but she’s hardly built anything like Bianca Jagger, which I guess is the contrast of being a model for money and being a Daugherty who has money… She’s topless on a yacht because she’s euro and that’s what they do, Living the good life while not looking that good, but who needs to look good when you’re funded…or trust funded.. She’s probably in her 40s, and is still showing tits, so tits on a boat. Fancy! The post Jade Jagger Topless of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Jade Jagger Topless of the Day

Hilary Duff’s Strong Legs for Cosmo of the Day

Hilary Duff is a fun divorcee. It’s like she doesn’t even miss her baby daddy, the billionaire heir turned Hockey star from Canada, I guess she was tired of being a puck slut, used in the lockerroom to build morale in some team initiation and team building exercising – all while using her child star, broken, holes… Well, she’s on a TV show, she’s showing her leg at some office, and she’s thick and fit, which I’m sure the blacks like…and so do you…because you’re one of those weirdo fans who doesn’t know how to move on from 1996…the good years… It’s safe to say that I wish the geotag info was posted in this pic, so that I could show up and offer my services as a drunkenstepfather….not that I like kids, but rich and famous girls with thick thighs who you know know how to fuck when they aren’t being bratty spoiled cunts thanks to having little to no growing up to do, but rather a staff coddling them….which is something I can handle…as long as I’m medicated and coddled too… The post Hilary Duff’s Strong Legs for Cosmo of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Hilary Duff’s Strong Legs for Cosmo of the Day

Hilary Duff’s Strong Legs for Cosmo of the Day

Hilary Duff is a fun divorcee. It’s like she doesn’t even miss her baby daddy, the billionaire heir turned Hockey star from Canada, I guess she was tired of being a puck slut, used in the lockerroom to build morale in some team initiation and team building exercising – all while using her child star, broken, holes… Well, she’s on a TV show, she’s showing her leg at some office, and she’s thick and fit, which I’m sure the blacks like…and so do you…because you’re one of those weirdo fans who doesn’t know how to move on from 1996…the good years… It’s safe to say that I wish the geotag info was posted in this pic, so that I could show up and offer my services as a drunkenstepfather….not that I like kids, but rich and famous girls with thick thighs who you know know how to fuck when they aren’t being bratty spoiled cunts thanks to having little to no growing up to do, but rather a staff coddling them….which is something I can handle…as long as I’m medicated and coddled too… The post Hilary Duff’s Strong Legs for Cosmo of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Hilary Duff’s Strong Legs for Cosmo of the Day

Jessica Simpson’s Big Tits of the Day

Jessica Simpson still has big tits… Without them she would have nothing…..sure she’d still have a lot of money…..and a relevant late 90s pop career…but without them tits, I would have totally forgot who Jessica Simpson is or was…. I guess after bowing out of the pop music industry to sit on her billion dollar a year Walmart brand, because why tour and sing, when can just sit around and eat you face off, until Weight Watchers steps in with a legal team to make you drop the weight..to fulfill your contract….you might as well showcase those tits when you are obligated to go out of the house…because that’s what people want..not your cheesy, Christian friendly, vanilla bullshit….the tits, it’s always been the tits…because we love blondes with big tits..it’s in our DNA…it’s what makes America…America.. TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS CLICK HERE The post Jessica Simpson’s Big Tits of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Jessica Simpson’s Big Tits of the Day

Miranda Kerr Demonstrates Another Billionaire Trap of the Day

If you demonstrate flexibility in your everyday life, the billionaire will factor that into your net worth, because every billionaire thinks “the more flexible the better”…or “just imagine what she can do to my dick”…and “do you think she can give me a blow job in that position”….and “of course she can, she is Australian, they are loose and she was married to a homosexual for 5 years when launching her career and increasing her stock price, she knows all the blowjob tricks from watching cabana boys and rent boys do it to him”… Well maybe not that last part… But what I do know is that billionaires like to buy Victoria’s Secret models, hundred millionaires like to buy Sports Illustrated models, and millionaires like instagram models where their worth reflects the “model” they gets following….and soccer players like Glamour models….and Kanye West like livestock… That’s all I have to say about that… The post Miranda Kerr Demonstrates Another Billionaire Trap of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Miranda Kerr Demonstrates Another Billionaire Trap of the Day

Kim Kardashian’s See Through Outfit of the Day

Kim Kardashian has announced that she is pregnant, so in typical Kim Kardashian mastery of the media, she’s decided to wear a totally inappropriate, possibly see through outfit for the paparazzi that her family has called and hired for this task, as she and really everyone in the family know how to mind fuck the masses, like they are cult leaders, but unfortunately, not the Jim Jones style cult where they all drink the fucking Koolaid, that wasn’t even Koolaid, but rather the generic brand, because cult’s don’t have the kind of luxuries the Kardashians have, even though in both instances, the reason they can afford anything is because of the spiritually lost people who buy into them… That said, Kim Kardashian is the kind of whore who would strip 9 months pregnant and give birth on stage if the price was right…just a fucking peddling…pile of shit… The post Kim Kardashian’s See Through Outfit of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Kim Kardashian’s See Through Outfit of the Day

Magdalena Frackowiak Topless Shoot of the Day

Magdalena Frackowiak is apparently some horrible Polish model who managed to beat out the stats against Polish woman and didn’t end up a hairy little troll working at the hot dog stand…or more realistically, the sex trade, probably by pissing in champagne classes, because these Eastern European girls like quality, on webcam for their pimps who pimp them….but instead is a Victoria’s Secret angel, who only needs to piss in Champagne glasses when the billionaire boyfriend tells her to, because even with contract and her own money, billionaires have a certain allure and you don’t want to pisss them off because it gets in the way of them knocking you up.. That said, like all models these days, she’s topless….it’s the nature of the industry…and we like topless.. The post Magdalena Frackowiak Topless Shoot of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Magdalena Frackowiak Topless Shoot of the Day

Naomi Campbell Does Agent Provocateur of the Day

Naomi Campbell was at one point in time one of the biggest things in modelling, which is almost amazing to think about, because the world is racist, and most tall black girls aren’t made into millionaire models, but instead used for other things, like the mom of 6 babies with different daddies…I’ve seen Maury…I know how it is… Luckily, I’ve never been a racist, I mean the first tits I ever jerked off to were from National Geographic African tribes, and I’ve carried that love for black women with saggers into my adult life, not that I’ve ever banged any black girls, they always give me atitude and laugh at my small penis…but I would… Not that this has anything to do with Naomi Campblell, the billionaire dating supermodel, who clearly still has it going on in Agent Provocateur lingerie….but this is my site, I’ll talk about what I want to…

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Naomi Campbell Does Agent Provocateur of the Day

Terri Seymour’s Upskirt of the Day

This is what happens when you get dumped by Simon Cowell and you are forced back into the life of a low level fame whore…after having a taste of the good life, the billionaire life, the private jet set celebrity life…you end up leaving parties wasted and spread eagled hoping someone will notice…preferably the media so that some rich Russian, or rich anyone will reach out to her and try to make her their wife…. I guess she thinks that since Since Simon Cowell used her as a beard, there are other’s out there for her, even though I just see her as a failed gold digger…and really if she’s not good enough for Simon Cowell, she’s pretty much not good enough for anyone… TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS CLICK HERE

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Terri Seymour’s Upskirt of the Day

Victoria Silvstedt’s Bikini of the Day

Victoria Silvstedt is the fucking enemy…she is the worst hooker around…she tried to sue me because she hates being called a hooker…and prefers being called a mistress cuz I guess that’s what she is to the billionaire who is bored of his wife and is allowed a mistress….even though they are the same fucking thing…getting paid to not complain and fuck ….. Either way, despite being the fucking enemy, and being old as shit….she’s still got a rockin’ body…cuz that’s all she needs to have to keep the charade going….and here it is. TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS FOLLOW THIS LINK

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Victoria Silvstedt’s Bikini of the Day