Tag Archives: almost-as-gross

Taylor Hill for POP Magazine of the DAy

Taylor Hill has been a Victoria’s Secret girl for 2 years and she’s only 21….what a fucking slacker, when I was 21 I was running a multi million dollar business…or I would have been if I hadn’t taken up drinking all day everyday with my welfare check money…so maybe she’s not a fucking slacker…even though modelling is a pretty lame, boring, repetitive hustle….but at least she’s out there getting paid… The most interesting thing about her is that she’s American, in an era where Americans are all fat and disgusting…. The other interesting thing about her is that she was found by an agent / photographer when she was 14 years old…meaning she’s got stage parents who sell her out to the industry and I guess they made the right choice…and more importantly…that there are creeper “photographer / agents” out there recruiting 14 year olds…which I guess was smart for him because he’s now getting paid but stilll…almost as gross as the creepy exploitative brand with their made in China sweatshop products and other girls they’ve exploited over the years…. But I guess no one views it as exploitative since they all get paid and money makes the world go round….not to mention, working for VS means press, and hustle, as they need her to be famous in and of herself to keep the profile of what they do and sell up…. She’s in POP magazine, I like this shoot…because of the sharks and she looks good enough to me…keep staring.. The post Taylor Hill for POP Magazine of the DAy appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Taylor Hill for POP Magazine of the DAy

Jessica Simpson’s Huge Mom Tits for Twitter of the Day

When the pic is cropped proper…it is almost as if she doesn’t have 50-100 lbs of excess fat under those stupid tits…it is almost like her stupid tits are some golden, nourishing, lovely playground built on fantasies that I want to climb up to and get lost inside….you know with so much tit to fill my hands and mouth and possibly even suffocate on….like this was Charlie in the Chocolate Factory and I was the fat kid next to a river of chocolate….heaven….except you know when you zoom out…you’re dealing with a walmar body…belly out, ready for diabetes, heart disease and motorized scooters to takee her down the adult diaper aisles….I’ve seen her kind before….but those tits…on their own…are fucking awesome….and huge….

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Jessica Simpson’s Huge Mom Tits for Twitter of the Day

Whitney Port Shitty Fucking Body in a Bikini of the Day

I know that no one gives a fuck about Whitney Port….and that there is no reason to post her bikini pics…because she was just some rich kid who managed to get on some bullshit show that was luckily canceled a long time ago, something that should have made all the girls who were on the show fade into their collective obscurity cuz they are trash and don’t matter…but for some reasonn on slow days…still have the paparazzi willing to snap off some pics cuz they can make a couple of dollars cuz someone may run a “where are the worthless cunts now” story…..but I am doing it because I don’t care how irrelevant she is or how she doesn’t matter….I care that she’s a skinny bitch who looks fat and sloppy while maintaining being skinny and that’s disgusting….we used to call this bitches SLIM FATS….and encourage them to hit the fucking gym and do some squats….cuz seeing skin hang over a bikini…is almost as gross at size 2 as it is at size 22….Sort it out, it’s not like bitch’s schedule is too intense to make somee time for the gym…. TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS FOLLOW THIS LINK

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Whitney Port Shitty Fucking Body in a Bikini of the Day