Tag Archives: already-bagged

Oliva Munn’s Eating in a Covered Bikini Top for Twitter of the Day

Olivia Munn represents all that is wrong with celebrity….She got herself on some nerd show, luring the nerds, who are a loyal fan base, and felt she was bigger than she actually is…even though she’s never really had any solid work, and the work she has had has not been substantial at all…if anything it has been bottom feeding…and instead of posting a bikini top under a sheer shirt…she should be jerking off on the internet for the virgin losers who made her…I’m talking dirtier twitter pics…and not just shit appealing to weirdos who get off to girls eating….step your game up whore.

Excerpt from:
Oliva Munn’s Eating in a Covered Bikini Top for Twitter of the Day

Blake Lively in Some Bullett Magazine Looking Hot of the Day

Blake Lively may be boring as fuck….but more importantly she looks old as fuck…even though she gets cast as some teen or early 20s character…when really she should be playing the soccer mom….but she is the vagina to the stars….she’s already bagged a couple of A-Listers…and one may have even kept her around for more than a couple of weeks, but I wouldn’t know…cuz I don’t keep track of Blake Lively news…mainly because I like my 20 year old bitches….looking 14 and not 40…. Here she is in some magazine I’ve never heard of…or if I have I’ve forgottne cuz much like that autistic kid I saw in the park playing with rocks today…I’m retarded.

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Blake Lively in Some Bullett Magazine Looking Hot of the Day