Tag Archives: already-carried

Florida Crazies: Cops Looking For Man Who Robbed A Woman Who Was Going Into Labor

Pregnant Woman In Florida Gets Necklace Stolen While Going Into Labor Listen, Florida is responsible for some of the most heinous s#!t we’ve ever seen, but even this might be a new low. A story ClickFlorida details how a top tier scumbag is wanted by the cops for snatching a pregnant woman’s necklace while she was having contractions. Julienne Antoine told police that she went for a walk to help soothe her birthing pains and was approached by a man who snatched her necklace and walked away, knowing she couldn’t chase him. “I just couldn’t believe it. Who robs a pregnant woman? “There was a young man walking toward me. I just looked at him and smiled, and then he had something in his hand. He was smoking and he kind of threw it out and he just lunged at me.” “I was like, if he punches me and I fall down and I’m on my due date, I don’t want anything to happen to the baby,” she said. “I already carried this baby for nine months. I’m not going to let something happen to her.” After running into the street to escape her would-be attacker, Julienne was rushed to the hosptial to deliver her child. “She came at 5:30 p.m.,” Antoine said. “Thankfully, she was OK. I’m just thinking you know, what if I had ran behind him or something? It could have been worse.” Definitely a VIP section in Hell for ol’ boy. Here’s what they say the robber looks like. for whatever that’s worth. Image via News6

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Florida Crazies: Cops Looking For Man Who Robbed A Woman Who Was Going Into Labor