Here’s Kim Kardashian giving us a glimpse into what could possibly be the best fucking thing ever – her as a skeleton… The only thing better than her skeleton would be her dressed up as a corpse, you know to really allow us to fantasize an end to her and her stupid ass implant that can never die thanks to modern science and the decay time of platics…. The only thing better than her dressed up as a corpse…is I guess her being a corpse… Not that I’d wish anyone dead, I may have no empathy, and I may dislike what people represent, but it’s not their fault the public embraced them, but it’d be nice if her career and their show died a fiery death….it’s gone on too long…take it out back and shoot it…get that family lined up for some Family vacaiton and Malaysian Flight 370 them…. TO SEE MORE CELEBS DRESSED UP FOR HALLOWEEN CLICK HERE
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Kim Kardashian Erotica of the Day