Tag Archives: amazing-as-how

Alexis Ren Mickey Mouse Slut of the Day

Alexis Ren posted up slutty Disney pics because she’s a slut and capable of sexualizing everything sacred in America in efforts to perpetuate her slut celebrity from being a travel slut that does nothing but hang out in a bikini while dudes around her do action and adventure stunts…in the new Feminism that’s not much different off old feminism which is if you’re hot…dudes will make you and themselves money with your tits. That said…she’s got a fucking ton of followers, yet has never really done anything and that in and of itself is amazing…but not as amazing as how she angled herself to be able to ear so much money with that fanbase…but instead of doing something of substance she just kept showing off her fake tits and slutty poses…which is ok…but there’s a way to polarize this shit and really manipulate the world…I expect more strategy behind this… She also posted this pic of her fake tits, saying her number one insecurity is her big forehead, not her joker mouth or her bolt on tits, but her forehead….and asking her fans their insecurities and people engaged in her content discussing all their insecurities… Like freshly 18 @E.Den….who said her “hips in my hips, small lips, skinny legs and arms and small butt”…. The post Alexis Ren Mickey Mouse Slut of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepFather.com .

See the article here:
Alexis Ren Mickey Mouse Slut of the Day

Marnie Simpson is Fun of the Day

Marnie Simpson is not Jessica Simpson, but she’s on some show called…fuck I forget the name of the show, but it seems to be like Jersey Shore for the UK, ok, looked it up, it’s called Geordie Shore, so you’ve never heard of her, unless you’re from the UK, but you have now, because she’s popped on my Radar for being an exhibitionist trashcan who gets naked on SNAPCHAT for her fans, in her self promoting, because that’s what you gotta do when you’re a trasshy hot, stripper bitch, glamour model looking girl from the UK… THis isn’t pushing any boundaries, it’s more being as basic as possible, but pushing that getting naked on her instagram with the above picture, which in and of itself is the kind of “no bullshit” basic marketing I like…I mean what else do we want out of her..beyond seeing her naked… Either way, this is the premise of the show she’s been on for 5-7 Seasons… Join a group of up-for-it lads and lasses with six weeks to get buzzed in Newcastle. Amazing, genius, revolutionary even… but not as Amazing as how she uses SNAP. The post Marnie Simpson is Fun of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

Marnie Simpson is Fun of the Day

The Shannon Sisters are Fame Whoring of the Day

I don’t know if you remember the Playboy Shannon twins…they never really mattered… but for a minute people were excited about them…you know before they got fat and went black..right KARISSA SHANNON Karissa Shannon HAD A PRETTY VIOLENT SEX TAPE WITH A BLACK DUDE FROM SMALLVILLE …that went absolutely no where…even though you know she had Paris Hilton Dreams…or I guess Kim Kardashian dreams… They are fat now, and as a person who thinks mocking fat girls instead of celebrating them, even if black rich dudes love this shape, it’s a public service….but they always have the SEX TAPES to reference in their probably sexually abused childhood trailer park home they must be from….right.. This is amazing…but not as amazing as how fat they got…I wonder if one of them led the way and the other followed to make it look like they are genetically supposed to be fat, you know collectively rebranding, or if this is actually their genetics….but it would be funny if one was skinny and the other fat…because that’s not how identical twins work…not that these girls work. The post The Shannon Sisters are Fame Whoring of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

See original here:
The Shannon Sisters are Fame Whoring of the Day