Tag Archives: amazing-tight

Alessandra Ambrosio Tightens Things Up

If you’ve ever wondered how a supermodel keeps in shape, I know I have, here’s Alessandra Ambrosio’s amazing tight body doing pilates in the gym the other day. That’s weird, I just assumed it was a lot of drugs, vomiting and sex with a-hole rockstars. You learn something new everyday. To tell you the truth I thought she was just naturally this tight, I’m a little disappointed to see this, it’s like going to Disney World and getting a look at Mickey Mouse without his head on or a stripper in the daylight. It’s just not the same.

Kim Kardashian Knows How To Fill Out A Dress

Saying Kim Kardashian knows how to fill out a tight dress is like saying the stitches on her jeans are working hard…. No sh#t!! The girl’s got curves everywhere, even her curves have curves. I love it. Here she is stuffed nicely into an amazing tight white dress while heading out to dinner with some dude dressed as Liza Minnelli. I have no idea what she’s doing, but her big ass looks awesome. I want to bounce testicles off that thing.