Tag Archives: animated-fan

Cole Porter Blowjobs in the Age of TMZ: Putting The Latest Old Hollywood Tell-All in Perspective

Sometimes TMI is just TMI, says writer and critic Dave White, reviewing Scotty Bowers’ Full Service: My Adventures in Hollywood and the Secret Sex Lives of the Stars : “Stalker-y internet gossip site TMZ is its own TV show now and they’ve got a bus that runs all day long so tourists from Indiana can see where Chris Brown beat up Rihanna….It’s a time in Hollywood history when Mel Gibson takes up with his mistress, puts a baby in her, screams weird racist things on the phone , they laugh about it on The View and then Jodie Foster turns around and puts him in her next movie…And even if [Katharine] Hepburn was a lesbian with a bad complexion and [Spencer] Tracy a conflicted bisexual alcoholic, what purpose does it serve if I also know that Scotty Bowers provided her with as many as 150 paid female ‘companions’ over her lifetime?” [ Los Angeles Review of Books ]

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Cole Porter Blowjobs in the Age of TMZ: Putting The Latest Old Hollywood Tell-All in Perspective

WATCH: An Amazing Prometheus Trailer… Made Out of Paper

Can’t get enough of this Friday’s Prometheus ? Then you’ll want to watch this shot-for-shot fan trailer that recreates every moment of Ridley Scott’s second Prometheus trailer with paper and flashlights, which is at once the antithesis of the effects-laden sci-fi pic and a neat-o celebration of its fantastical imagery. Plus: Paper Fassbender! Still hot. Obviously I have a fondness for animated fan trailers, but this one takes the form to a new level. It’s inventive, detailed, and meticulously reconstructed, and whoever drew these characters did an especially fine job on Paper Idris Elba. I’d probably watch an entire Prometheus movie made of paper. [via Film Drunk ]

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WATCH: An Amazing Prometheus Trailer… Made Out of Paper