Tag Archives: another-clip

Nakita_Lynn is the DSFCam Girl of the Day

Nakita_Lynn is today’s DSFCam Girl of the Day….mainly because this clip of her shaving a dildo and talking about shaving cock is just next level insane…making her the kind of girl I would probably never let near my cock with a razor, no wait, the kind of girl I’d totally let near my cock with anything…she’s just won me over..and not just cuz she gets naked on cam for a job, but because she’s fun. Here’s another clip of her talking about her asshole…cuz she’s the best… TO SEE HER GETTING EATEN OUT…(NSFW) FOLLOW THIS LINK TO WATCH HER ON CAM …(NSFW) FOLLOW THIS LINK

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Nakita_Lynn is the DSFCam Girl of the Day

VIDEO: Can Let Me In Have it Both Ways With Fanboys and Film Snobs Alike?

Overture has released another clip for Let Me In , the remake of the artful Swedish vampire film Let the Right One In . Here, it looks like they’re trying to win over fans of the original (who are understandably skeptical), while a previously released clip catered to the larger group of Americans who care more about vampire action than foreign films. But can Overture really please everyone?

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VIDEO: Can Let Me In Have it Both Ways With Fanboys and Film Snobs Alike?

Gary Coleman — Used Car Salesman

Filed under: Gary Coleman , Shannon Price , TV Gary Coleman may have been a great actor as a child — but he sure grew up to be one lousy used car salesman. In another clip from a pilot Gary shot in 2008 — which never aired — Gary’s life coach forced him to try his hand at selling cars … which… Read more

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Gary Coleman — Used Car Salesman

Sophie Monk in her Bikini for Some Straight to DVD Springbreak Garbage Movie of the Day

There was a time when I would only rent movies with girls in bikinis, because porn wasn’t readily available and I was 16, horny and down to jerk off to some seriously softcore shit. That time is long fuckin’ gone, so I am surprised shit like this is still made, even when it’s starring Sophie Monk, an Australian I wanna fuck….but have been warned to stay away from because she’s insane, an insanity proven in the fact that she was engaged to one of the Good Charlotte sisters….and who got cheated on with Paris Hilton…proving either Paris has serious game, or this bitch is low fuckin’ quality…. Either way watch the clip and try to distract yourself from Amy Poehler’s midsection she’s got exposed, because there’s nothing hot about that…unless maybe you’re a lesbian…because lesbians see past the outside shell and love people with a good sense of humor who can make them laugh…

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Sophie Monk in her Bikini for Some Straight to DVD Springbreak Garbage Movie of the Day