Tag Archives: appreciate-how

Kaili Thorne Nude of the Day

Kaili Thorne is some no name actress who is in movies that are worst that d-list…and she has a shit stain on her thigh… You may know her because her older sisters are named Dani Thorne and Bella Thorne…they are some Disney trash with red hair…which I guess means she has parents who prostitute their kids out to the entertainment industry because it is good money and the American fucking dream…meaning they were raised with perfect questionable morals and values. Well unlike her boring sisters, she’s getting naked, in artistic nudes so it’s still acceptable… and I appreciate how she rebels and differentiates herself…and I fucking love it cuz her 21 year old body is banging… I want to marry her tits….even though I fear her weirdo redheaded family… I like her strategy.

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Kaili Thorne Nude of the Day

Kaili Thorne Nude of the Day

Kaili Thorne is some no name actress who is in movies that are worst that d-list…and she has a shit stain on her thigh… You may know her because her older sisters are named Dani Thorne and Bella Thorne…they are some Disney trash with red hair…which I guess means she has parents who prostitute their kids out to the entertainment industry because it is good money and the American fucking dream…meaning they were raised with perfect questionable morals and values. Well unlike her boring sisters, she’s getting naked, in artistic nudes so it’s still acceptable… and I appreciate how she rebels and differentiates herself…and I fucking love it cuz her 21 year old body is banging… I want to marry her tits….even though I fear her weirdo redheaded family… I like her strategy.

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Kaili Thorne Nude of the Day

Avril Lavigne Dresses In Sexy Army Gear, Still Married To A Loser

Now that Avril Lavigne is officially married to that Nickelback douche, I haven’t exactly been running out to do posts on her. That’s not the kind of behavior I want to encourage in our young hotties. This, on the other hand, is: Avril wearing some kind of hot army costume for her new music video and giving the camera some sweet tongue action. Now if we can just get her to divorce court, we’ll really be back in business again. Photos: PacificCoastNews

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Avril Lavigne Dresses In Sexy Army Gear, Still Married To A Loser

Carmen Ortega’s Busty Bikini Picture Goodness

You know, every time I’ve written about Carmen Ortega in the past, I’ve focused so much on that juicy booty of hers that I never really stopped to appreciate how awesome the rest of her is too. Well, that all changes with these latest bikini pictures. I’m going to make sure I appreciate Carmen’s entire bikini body today. Maybe even two or three times if the Little Tuna’s up for it. Photos: Fameflynet

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Carmen Ortega’s Busty Bikini Picture Goodness

Taylor Momsen Panty Flash of the Day

I kinda love Taylor Momsen. She was on a hit show, said fuck it, like a typical child star who doesn’t appreciate how lucky she is, and decided to live her dream while she had the opportunity as a rock and roll star, in what is so fucking weird when you think about it, but that you probably don’t ever think about it, cuz it’s Taylor Momsen, she’s over 18 now, and that rebellion slutty teen shit doesn’t work. I mean it did at the time, everyone loved how half naked and scandalous she was, but as soon as she turned 18, she didnt matter, and for that reason alone I am posting this panty flash for old times, because panty flashes always fucking matter, at any age…even if they aren’t as hyped up, because when panty flashes happen I am reminded of Taylor Momsen, a bitch I’d otherwise forget existed, despite having all the things I like in a girl….legs and a pussy….but still wish this was Taylor Swift spreading her asshole….because she’s the only Taylor that really matters right now.

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Taylor Momsen Panty Flash of the Day

Taylor Momsen Panty Flash of the Day

I kinda love Taylor Momsen. She was on a hit show, said fuck it, like a typical child star who doesn’t appreciate how lucky she is, and decided to live her dream while she had the opportunity as a rock and roll star, in what is so fucking weird when you think about it, but that you probably don’t ever think about it, cuz it’s Taylor Momsen, she’s over 18 now, and that rebellion slutty teen shit doesn’t work. I mean it did at the time, everyone loved how half naked and scandalous she was, but as soon as she turned 18, she didnt matter, and for that reason alone I am posting this panty flash for old times, because panty flashes always fucking matter, at any age…even if they aren’t as hyped up, because when panty flashes happen I am reminded of Taylor Momsen, a bitch I’d otherwise forget existed, despite having all the things I like in a girl….legs and a pussy….but still wish this was Taylor Swift spreading her asshole….because she’s the only Taylor that really matters right now.

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Taylor Momsen Panty Flash of the Day

Check Out Trailer For Nene Leakes New Sitcom “The New Normal” [Video]

Nene Leakes New Sitcom Trailer Wow, so a white sitcom wants Nene Leakes on the show… because they appreciate how articulate and intellectual she is? No surprise here! Turn the page to peep this. Continue reading

Check Out Trailer For Nene Leakes New Sitcom “The New Normal” [Video]

Nene Leakes New Sitcom Trailer Wow, so a white sitcom wants Nene Leakes on the show… because they appreciate how articulate and intellectual she is? No surprise here! Turn the page to peep this. Continue reading

Rachel Bilson Wedgie of the Day

I love wedgies more than I love Rachel Bilson… Wedgies…..I love the fact that they are socially acceptable and girls everywhere get them….and openly fish them out of their asses in public like it’s not a repulsive thing to do….I mean even at a young age girls are pulling fabric out of their asses, knuckle deep….two fingers in…and that makes doing all activities amazing…it is like you can’t leave the house without seeing it….. Rachel Bilson….I don’t mind that she was kidnapped by some pussy in her prime, missing out on all the good years of flashing her cunt at A-List events, locking herself up in Canada during her prime….only because she escaped him last year…she was like “Captor, I’m done with you and your abusive, jealousy that I’m not typecast as some star wars clown bullshit”…..only to get the world or me happy knowing she still has a few good pussy flashes in her on her comeback tour as this freem from her oppressor girl….only to get back with the kidnapper….in some Patty Hearst, Stockholm Syndrome shit….that put her back into that dark caged prison cell….with her pussy locked back into her pants….cuz there is comfort in the hell you’re used to…especially when Star Wars begs her back hard enough like a pussy…making her feel guilty or like he actually cares…. But at least she’s walking around with her pants jacked up her ass…it may be socially acceptable…and a far cry from what I expected out of her….but it won’t get her beat up at home…and I can still appreciate pants wedged between ass cheeks….pressed up against anus. To See The Rest of the Pics FOLLOW THIS LINK

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Rachel Bilson Wedgie of the Day

Mila Kunis in a Semi-See Through Shirt at the Airport of the Day

I am the kind of guy who really thinks Mila Kunis has got it going on…. I mean other than the pollution and damage Culkin’s cock has probably done to her pussy…something I can still see past…because I have no standards but more importantly haggard, battered, damaged pussy with baggage that could even be HIV positive is kinda what I do….It just never looks as good as this…or smells as good as I think this must smell…because I get some low grade pussy….and this Mila Kunis shit is top tier….at least in terms of Hollywood….cuz for the most part….Hollywood pussy is not really top notch pussy….but eager to be famous, liked, all insecure and irritating pussy….but when it looks like Mila Kunis…it works for me….at least for me to look at in pictures for the sake of this blog…cuz I’m more into jerking off on girls that to pictures or videos of girls…I’m crazy like that….you know a 90s pre internet pervert blast from the past…but I can still appreciate how nice it would be to cum in something that’s packaged like this… Here she is at the airport in a see through…. To See The Rest of the Pics FOLLOW THIS LINK

Mila Kunis in a Semi-See Through Shirt at the Airport of the Day