Tag Archives: aristocratic

Paz de la Huerta Bares the Brown Eye in Nude Photo Shoot [PICS]

Another year, another nude photo shoot from Paz de la Huerta . The Boardwalk Empire star has never been skingy with her aristocratic (her father is the Spanish Duke of Mandas and Villanueva. Really.) ass-ets, but this time she and photographer Mark Squires are going somewhere Paz has never taken us before: down the Hershey highway. The Cadbury cul-de-sac. The kingdom of the chocolate starfish. Get the picture? We could go on all day, but why listen to us yap when you can see the pics after the jump ?

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Paz de la Huerta Bares the Brown Eye in Nude Photo Shoot [PICS]

Paz de la Huerta Bares the Brown Eye in Nude Photo Shoot [PICS]

Another year, another nude photo shoot from Paz de la Huerta . The Boardwalk Empire star has never been skingy with her aristocratic (her father is the Spanish Duke of Mandas and Villanueva. Really.) ass-ets, but this time she and photographer Mark Squires are going somewhere Paz has never taken us before: down the Hershey highway. The Cadbury cul-de-sac. The kingdom of the chocolate starfish. Get the picture? We could go on all day, but why listen to us yap when you can see the pics after the jump ?

See the rest here:
Paz de la Huerta Bares the Brown Eye in Nude Photo Shoot [PICS]

Paz de la Huerta Bares the Brown Eye in Nude Photo Shoot [PICS]

Another year, another nude photo shoot from Paz de la Huerta . The Boardwalk Empire star has never been skingy with her aristocratic (her father is the Spanish Duke of Mandas and Villanueva. Really.) ass-ets, but this time she and photographer Mark Squires are going somewhere Paz has never taken us before: down the Hershey highway. The Cadbury cul-de-sac. The kingdom of the chocolate starfish. Get the picture? We could go on all day, but why listen to us yap when you can see the pics after the jump ?

Go here to read the rest:
Paz de la Huerta Bares the Brown Eye in Nude Photo Shoot [PICS]