Tag Archives: arrived-at-4pm

My name is Alexandra. Not only was it April 13th, it was…

My name is Alexandra. Not only was it April 13th , it was officially the best day of my life. Friday the 13th was not so unlucky for me at all! I found out that Justin was going to be visiting a school and I immediately begged my parents to take me. My mom agreed because she knows I have been obsessed with him for over 4 years. I missed school that day and waited for him to come for 3 hours. I was with my mom, my grandma, my best friend and my little sister. There were many cars that we thought were Justin but they were just decoys. One of the trucks was Kenny Hamilton. I could not believe that I saw Kenny and he rolled down his window to say hi. Everyone started to say how Justin was hiding in Kenny’s truck and how he didn’t want to see his fans. I immediately knew this wasn’t how Justin would behave, he loves his fans. Finally at 1:20pm, a tan GMC truck slowly made it’s way into the main entrance of the school. The truck slowly rolled down the windows and Justin said hi to his fans . At first there was an extreme pause because all of us were so caught up in the moment. We finally all realized and the screaming began. Justin asked if anyone wanted an autograph and I quickly threw my Justin Bieber notepad in the car and Pattie handed it to Justin. He signed it and smiled. While this was happening, he was holding on to my wrist . I realized that Selena was next to Pattie in the car and Scooter was in the back. There are no other words to describe Justin then absolutely flawless. There were many news cast and I got on the news many times for being the girl who was absolutely speechless. I was shaking and had so many emotions running through me at once. This moment still doesn’t feel real because for 4 years I have been a belieber and the day finally came when I met my idol. All I have ever wanted was to meet Justin Bieber and my dream has come true. This will be a memory that I will be able to tell my children when I grow up. I haven’t been able to sleep at all because I keep replaying the memory over and over in my head. Thank you so much for everything Justin! You are such an amazing person and you give hope to all the beliebers out there. You taught me to NEVER SAY NEVER and I will always dream. This will forever be the best day of my life! -@NicoletteBiebe2 Read the rest here: My name is Alexandra. Not only was it April 13th, it was…

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My name is Alexandra. Not only was it April 13th, it was…

My name is Daniela and this is My Bieber Experience. Lets get…

My name is Daniela and this is My Bieber Experience.  Lets get started. Like millions of people, I LOVE JUSTIN BIEBER and I stuck to the saying Never Say Never, but I didn’t think my dream could really come true. Everything started when Justin was coming to my country, I knew tickets would sell out in less than 10 minutes, so I joined to Justin’s fan page to have a better chance for pre-sale. The page announced they were going to have a contest for meet and greets I made a song, inviting people to join. I just made a video of me singing it and I sent it, I never expected I could win. It was Friday night, we took a plane to the city where the concert was going to be. We finally arrived to the apartment.  I entered my email and that’s were I saw it. The headline said: Congratulations Daniela! You’re officially invited to attend. I was in SHOCK. I didn’t said anything , I just clicked the link and that was when I realized I was one of the winners!! I was going to meet Justin in a couple of days! I started to scream (It was late, now I feel bad for the neighbors haha) and  I never thought I would do this, I was like oh c’mon! How can people do that? But yes, I cried.  The next day was when I was going to meet Justin Bieber. We arrived at 4pm, then they gave me a wristband and then they took me to the place I was going to meet him. I waited for 2 hours . I saw Ryan Good, Cobra Starship and Big Time Rush. I was the first one in the line and finally, Scooter came out. Then I saw Kenny at the door , I talked to him a little bit cause it was my time to enter. It was a dark room, I didn’t see him in the beggining but then I turned around and there he was.  Justin saw me and said, “HEY C’MON!” and gave me a big hug.  Everyone thinks you will talk to him like an hour, but honestly after you see him, your plan suddenly disappears. He grabbed me around the waist and they took us our picture.  He was really nice! I couldn’t talk, I was just able to say good-bye and he told me, “Bye, Thank You!”  I went out and Scooter who waiting for me, so I asked him for a pic, and he gently accepted. After that, we went to our seats. It was the BEST CONCERT EVER. That was totally the best day of my life. I never thought that could really happen to a girl like me. Now I just want to say, THANK YOU FOR READING THIS and that DREAMS DO COME TRUE, YOU NEED TO BE POSITIVE NO MATTER WHAT. “A lot of people will tell you that you can’t, all you gotta do is turn around and say watch me”  -@DanielaVel143 See original here: My name is Daniela and this is My Bieber Experience. Lets get…

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My name is Daniela and this is My Bieber Experience. Lets get…