Grace Jones’ boyfriend has the right idea. Move in on the 62 year old woman cuz she has money and it’s a hell of a lot better than working the gas station you met her at….and I guess Grace Jones has the right idea too, retire with a hired white cock to carry your shit for you and fuck you on command while you sit by the pool and remember a time she used to get positive male attention, because you can…Unfortunately, her gut exploded and her ass turend 62…not that I ever found her hot…but because no one wants to see that shit …except maybe the opportunistic….but even he probably does it with his eyes shut while pinching his nose like the asthmatic kid awkwardly jumping into the pool and these pictures aren’t so pleasant, but pussy in a bathing suit is pussy in a bathing suit…and I am a firm believer in taking what you can get, which is pretty much the reason I married my wife… Pics via Bauer
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Grace Jones in a Bathing Suit With Her Young White Boyfriend of the Day