Tag Archives: audrina partidge

Alyssa Barbara Hot for Jai Photo of the Day

Alyssa Barbara is one of the better things that happens in my instagram feed and I am not just saying that because I show favouritism to my Canadian countrymen you Americans like to laugh at, even though we have infiltrated your borders and work in all aspects of your society because we blend in with your people. The only difference between us and you is our ability built an igloo in the middle of summer to avoid being eaten by rabid polar bears…but I’m sure some of your Alaskans can handle that shit too… I am just saying that because these pictures of her by JAI PHOTO broke my penis…in a rubbed it out into a clit..if it wasn’t already the size of a clit…in a pencil eraser from when people used pencils…breaking mid-exam kind of way…rubbed down to the fucking metal…not that I ever make mistakes…because when your whole life is a mistake and kinda cancels out making mistakes…it suddenly just becomes life. Live.

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Alyssa Barbara Hot for Jai Photo of the Day

Audrina Patridge Leather Pants of the Day

Here is a picture of Audrina Patridge’s ass in a pair of leather pants because she clearly kills animals, or really anything to get where she needs to be, in one of those “but she’s so dumb, how the fuck did she pull it off”…because she’s so dumb and sometimes when you’re dumb you just manage to pull shit off since your brain doesn’t really factor in anything or hold you back… Now I am not sure if you like this ass, or if you prefer her big stupid fake tits…I am going to assume you don’t care about her in any and all ways…since she’s useless as fuck… I am just posting this because there’s something magical about vagina in the head wrapped up in fabric that doesn’t breath..and/or plastic wrap…and that magical thing is usually in the smell category…so all I see here is a stinky ass…and with pheromones and perversion comes a animalistic carnal urge to bury my face in it…this is probably why I shouldn’t be allowed to leave my house…sexual predator..but not really…I’m sure if I had to listen to this retard talk, I’d want nothing to do with her vile smells of a history of fucking to get where she is today…I mean…I am strictly basing that on her fake tits because every girl with fake tits is a hooker, unless they are cancer survivors…obviously… TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS CLICK HERE

Audrina Patridge Leather Pants of the Day