Tag Archives: avoid-overdraft

Are You Ready For A Disaster?

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Ever heard the saying, “Stay ready, so you don’t have to get ready?” . . . Well, with the ambush of earthquakes, hurricanes, tsunamis and tornadoes we’ve experienced since the beginning of the year, you should’ve seen enough by now to know how devastating the effects of any disaster – natural or man-made, can be. Since January, FEMA has confirmed over 80 major disaster declarations in the United States alone. Regardless of whether you live in a typical disaster zone or not, the reality is you are now fair game for experiencing one. So, the question is whether you’ll take steps now to safe guard your family in case of emergency or wait until disaster actually strikes. President Obama declared September as National Preparedness Month , appropriately so as the 10th anniversary of 9/11 lingers. In his proclamation, the President encouraged “all Americans to recognize the importance of preparedness and observe this month by working together to enhance our national security, resilience, and readiness.” When preparing for a natural disaster, the necessities that usually come to mind are food, water and shelter. While physical safety is definitely a primary concern, few tend to think of finances as the next major priority. So, in addition to checking out sites like www.ready.gov for physical preparedness, below you’ll find a few tips to get your financial house in order in case of catastrophe. 1. Get it together. The last thing you want to do in the event of an emergency is scurry through papers in your kitchen’s junk drawer. Create a filing system that allows you to get all of your documents together in one, organized place. 2. Take inventory. Maintain an updated inventory of all valuables along with serial numbers, warranty information, photos, and even videos, if possible. Some people walk through their home with a video camera to document everything. Having an inventory is going to save you lots of headaches in the event of a disaster which produces subsequent insurance claims. Remember, however, to keep the list, photos and videos off-site for obvious reasons. READ MORE Is It Time To Start Christmas Shopping? 10 Ways To Avoid Overdraft Fees

Are You Ready For A Disaster?

Is It Time To Start Christmas Shopping?

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If you’re one of those people who seem to be taken by surprise every holiday season, then yes, it’s time to start Christmas shopping! I know, I know. Labor Day is still on the tips of our tongues and you haven’t even thought about the kids Halloween costume yet. It may feel too early, but unless you’re expecting some type of financial windfall between now and December, it’s definitely time to start Christmas planning! With just over 100 days until Christmas, it’s time to start your preparation for the holiday season. The reality is that when you’re not prepared, you make what could be and should be an amazing time of year far too stressful. Far too many of us become overwhelmed by trivial things; From the decorations most people won’t even pay attention to, to what to buy co-workers we barely like, we spend money we don’t truly have because of both commercial and self-induced pressures. Getting into the holiday spirit doesn’t have to break the bank. You can do it by simply asking yourself these questions to ensure you are stress-free and financially ready for this holiday season. What did I spend last year? The best indication of what your holiday spending may be this year is determined by what you spent last year. Check last year’s bank statements or gather every last receipt for each purchase you made or expense you incurred during the holiday season (November 20th – December 31st). Include everything from gifts to additional food, wrapping paper and decorations. Tally it up and add at least $100 for all the small things we know you’re going to forget. This number represents what you need to save over the next few months. Where will my holiday money come from? Based on your findings, create a holiday fund. Divide the total dollar amount of what you need to save by the number of paychecks you plan on receiving between now and Christmas. Begin stashing money away in a separate account as soon as you possibly can. If you don’t trust yourself, utilize online banks like ING Direct . They typically takes 48 hours to transfer funds, so that should help you think twice before spending your holiday fund on anything not holiday related. 3.What’s in my spending plan? Categorize every holiday-related expense imaginable. Write down how much you anticipate spending on each. Add everything up. If it exceeds the budget, prioritize and adjust your list accordingly. Remember everything is negotiable. Don’t feel pressured to go beyond your means. READ MORE The Frugalista Files [BOOK REVIEW] 10 Ways To Avoid Overdraft Fees

Is It Time To Start Christmas Shopping?