Poor, poor Jenelle Evans. have you ever even heard of someone who's had it as hard as she has? She's been arrested time after time, and yes, she committed crimes and broke the law, but … come on. She's been fighting her mother to regain custody of her own son for years now, and yes, she's the one who gave up custody to begin with, and yes, she hasn't really shown that she deserves to win custody. But seriously, come on. Jenelle is obviously a victim, don't you see? When she gets arrested or when she gets into a fight with her mother, none of it is her fault. At least, that's what Jenelle would have us believe. In this new clip from the upcoming season of Teen Mom 2 — the premiere airs on Monday night! — Jenelle is in court yet again, this time for assault charges. She attacked Jessica Henry , her ex Nathan Griffith's new girlfriend, by throwing a glass at her head last August. She went to court in April, where, spoiler alert, she was found not guilty , and MTV cameras were there to film the whole mess. In this clip, you see Jenelle tell the story of the assault from her point of view. She starts crying, she struggles to get through her story, and yes, she totally is the victim here. Check out the madness in the video below:
Like so many celebrities before him, Alec Baldwin has written a Tweet about Carrie Fisher’s death . Unlike so many celebrities before him, however, Baldwin used this sad occasion to take a swipe at Donald Trump. Baldwin and the President-Elect, of course, have been engaged in a pretty serious (that is, ridiculous) social media battle ever since the actor started to play the racist bully on Saturday Night Live. Which is all good and fine and entertaining and everything. But Baldwin may have taken his disdain for the impending Commander-in-Chief a bit too far when he incorporated his hatred for Trump into a Tweet about Fisher. Wait… what?!? How did he manage to pull that off? “Death comes in threes,” Baldwin Tweeted, jokingly adding: “Carrie Fisher George Michael The integrity of the Oval Office.” Ummm…. zing, we guess? LOL… to some? Not to others, however, who felt as though Baldwin showed major disrespect to Fisher by using her passing as a chance to once again lay into Trump. “SUCH bad taste,” wrote one Internet user, while another said: “Another idiot that had to politicize someones death instead of just saying R.I.P. Carrie! I guess that’s too much to ask!” Other criticisms included the following: – “2 human beings lost their lives. Why make it political. Tacky and tasteless!” – “Pretty tacky that you linked their deaths to politics. BTW, the integrity of the Oval Office was lost 8 years ago.” Baldwin worked with Fisher on an episode of 30 Rock. No one doubts that he meant little harm with his Tweet. But he still should have known better. Or he should have at least come up with better material. A joke about Donald Trump being an unfit President is not exactly new, or particularly hilarious. If you’re going to dip your foot in controversial waters, you’ve gotta make sure you’re being funny. Last month, Lisa Edelstein came under fire for a similar joke. She quipped that Alan Thicke died to avoid Trump’s presidency, writing of the actor’s death: “RIP Alan Thicke. Seems like everyone is checking out before the Trumpacolypse.” Elsewhere across Hollywood, more proper condolences have been pouring in regard to Fisher. “Yesterday was a horrible day. Carrie was a special, wonderful girl. It’s too soon,” wrote her ex-husband, Paul Simon. Added former co-star Harrison Ford: “Carrie was one-of-a-kind…brilliant, original. Funny and emotionally fearless. She lived her life, bravely…My thoughts are with her daughter Billie, her mother Debbie, her brother Todd, and her many friends. We will all miss her.” View Slideshow: Carrie Fisher: Mourned, Honored by Hollywood And George Lucas: “Carrie and I have been friends most of our adult lives. She was extremely smart; a talented actress, writer and comedienne with a very colorful personality that everyone loved. “In Star Wars she was our great and powerful princess—feisty, wise and full of hope in a role that was more difficult than most people might think. My heart and prayers are with Billie, Debbie and all Carrie’s family, friends and fans.” And, finally, Fisher’s famous mother, Debbie Reynolds: “Thank you to everyone who has embraced the gifts and talents of my beloved and amazing daughter. “I am grateful for your thoughts and prayers that are now guiding her to her next stop.” The Hollywood Gossip continues to send our thoughts and prayers to Fisher’s family, friends and loved ones.