Judge said sit down Floyd! Via TMZ reports : Floyd Mayweather just got knocked out by a Nevada judge … who scoffed at the boxer’s claim he is withering away in jail … essentially ruling Mayweather is acting like a baby. Floyd had begged the court to let him finish out his sentence for domestic violence on house arrest … because he’s dehydrated and malnourished and it’s taking a toll on his body and putting his boxing career in jeopardy. But moments ago, a judge DENIED Mayweather’s request — ordering him to serve out the remainder of his 3-month sentence behind bars. According to court docs obtained by TMZ, the judge called B.S. on Mayweather’s claim that he’s dehydrated behind bars — saying the boxer’s condition is “self-induced as water is made available to [Floyd] twenty-four hours a day.” As for Floyd’s gripe that he’s only consuming a fraction of the calories he needs — the judge says it’s because “[Floyd] chooses not to eat the food provided.” The judge also balked at Floyd’s complaint that he can’t train at a world class level while serving his time — saying, “While the training areas and times provided to Floyd may not be consistent with his prior regimen, he is indeed provided sufficient space and time for physical activity if he so chooses.” Correct us if we’re wrong, but doesn’t going to jail usually jeopardize ANYONE’s career??? If only there was something he could have done to prevent this, like NOT beating his ex-girl…
See the rest here:
Fawk A Thug: Judge Tells Floyd Mayweather “If You’re Shriveling Up, It’s YOUR Fault” After Acting Like A Little Beyotch During 87-Day Jail Sentence