Tag Archives: barson-family

Yikes: Venus Williams Gets Emergency Protective Order Against Family Of Car Crash Victim

Getty Images Venus Williams Gets Protective Order Against Barson Family Venus Williams just won a protective court order against the family of Jerome Barson . Recently the family brought a wrongful death case against the tennis star, claiming she is liable for damages after the car crash which led to his death. According to The Daily Mail, Williams won the first legal round in the court case over the death, gaining an emergency protective order against the Barsons. The reports doesn’t specify the reason behind Williams’ speedy protective motion. Maybe it’s a preemptive measure to protect herself? Venus has yet to file her response to the wrongful death lawsuit that was filed by Barson’s family on June 30.The family of the 78-year-old is suing Venus Williams claiming she is liable for his death after a car crash in Palm Beach Gardens, Florida,  on June 9. Unfortunately, police determine Venus was to blame for the fatal crash.

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Yikes: Venus Williams Gets Emergency Protective Order Against Family Of Car Crash Victim