Tag Archives: battledome

The New York Times Investigates ‘Neo-VHS’ Culture

What is this strange retro fascination the kids have these days with watching old crappy horror movies on — what was it called again? V-H-S ? The New York Times investigates. “I like putting it in the VCR and rewinding and pausing and fast-forwarding,” said Lunchmeat founder Josh Shafer. “The best way to watch is to know nothing about how it was created, like it was a tape that was found buried in a ditch or was found unmarked at a Goodwill,” explains Drafthouse Films’ Evan Husney. See kids, once upon a time there were these things called videotapes … that you rented from video stores … before the internet existed . Yes, I know. That’s a lot to digest. Let the nice Gray Lady explain it to you. [ NYT ]

See the article here:
The New York Times Investigates ‘Neo-VHS’ Culture

Jurassic Park 10-Word Review Contest: We Have Our Winners!

Let’s hear it for all of the Movieline readers who turned out yesterday and today to make our Jurassic Park Ultimate Trilogy Giveaway our best contest yet. Cheers! Applause! Maniacal Tom Cruise laughter ! When the contest ended, your loyal Movieline team locked themselves in the office to dramatically interpret each of your clever 10-word reviews (and eat lunch). An hour or so later, we have chosen our winners.

Here is the original post:
Jurassic Park 10-Word Review Contest: We Have Our Winners!

Hunger Games Character Posters: Profiles in Kiddie Courage

The Hunger Games preys on the box office in March, but in the meantime eight of the battledome-savvy characters are squaring off in new posters for the film. Jennifer Lawrence looks fetching under a golden haze, Lenny Kravitz looks a lot like Lenny Kravitz, and Josh Hutcherson keeps looking younger and younger. Seriously, he’s wearing his Bridge to Terabithia face here.

Read the original:
Hunger Games Character Posters: Profiles in Kiddie Courage