Tag Archives: beach-models

Zippora Seven Titties for Fashion of the Day

Zippora Seven is some hippie model from New Zealand, who probably lives in LA now, because that’s where these kinds of beach models end up, and her claim to fame was a scandal a bunch of years back that involved her posing nude at 16 for some magazine, because that’s illegal, the 2 years between 16 and 18 make a massive difference in terms of a girl’s maturity and ability to show off her tits…that probably look identical…cuz puberty happens at 7…. Either way, with a name like Zippora, you can just assume what kind of nudist weirdos on drugs in the New Zealand countryside you’ve seen in your Lord of the Rings nerd shit…and who really cares…stare at her tits…in this random shoot.

Zippora Seven Titties for Fashion of the Day