Tag Archives: because-it-had

On Baywatch Set of they Day

Here are some recent pics from the set of Baywatch, to document the hard work and genius of the people who are destroying the iconic, high quality original Baywatch…which I guess was as shitty as this looks, only recreating shit, just because it had viewers and pop culture relevance, thinking it’ll fill seats in theatres that are now suffering because they tell shit stories, and because humans are lazy and don’t like leaving the house, especially with all those shooters and terrorists but more importantly, the inability to fucking in public, when you can just invite girls to your couch and eliminate all that confusion all while saving money. Either way, it’s terribly casted, a horrible idea and I hope it fails as hard as it should, but probably won’t… TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS CLICK HERE The post On Baywatch Set of they Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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On Baywatch Set of they Day

To Whom Does This Impounded Lamborghini Belong??

This Lambo’s owner used to be a pretty big deal. Lately though, his life has been filled with “When The Checks Stop Coming In” scenarios and SMHs. Walking home ‘cuz his Lambo was impounded last night fits right with the WTF status of his life lately. Do you know who it is? TMZ reports this impounded Lamborghini belongs to none other than Allen Iverson. Allen Iverson’s sick Lamborghini is sitting in an Atlanta police impound yard … after the former NBA superstar got pulled over last night … TMZ has learned. Atlanta PD confirms Iverson was a passenger in his silver 2009 Lambo when they pulled over the ride because it had expired dealer tags. Police impounded the whip and gave A.I. a ticket. By the way, after Iverson got his belongings out of the Lambo — he slipped into another car … his friends were following in an even sicker Rolls-Royce. Oh, okay: that’s how you’re living A.I.? Get it together.

Go here to see the original:
To Whom Does This Impounded Lamborghini Belong??

Aubrey O’Day Attacks Best Friends’ Boyfriend! [Video]

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Aubrey O’Day Attacks Best Friends’ Boyfriend! [Video]

Aubrey O’Day Attacks Best Friends’ Boyfriend! [Video]

See the original post here:
Aubrey O’Day Attacks Best Friends’ Boyfriend! [Video]

Are You Too Old to be Wearing That?

Earlier this week I let go of something that had been attached to me for almost ten years. Although I frequently forgot it even existed because it had unconsciously become a part of me, it was a well thought out decision after questioning its age appropriateness. Yes, I finally let go of my belly ring. The small object placed neatly through my belly button had run its course and needed to be retired. This belly ring amongst other items have recently fallen into the ‘you know you’re too old to be wearing that’ category in my life; and while what a person chooses to wear is subjective, we all have those items that should have been excluded from our closets years ago. Chances are if you think you’re too old to be wearing it, you probably are. As we approach our 20’s, 30’s and beyond, each cycle of our lives require the letting go of some items that we know we’re probably too old to still wear. While these items vary with age, check out five of the top items that you probably should have retired years ago. Continued at MadameNoire.com

Excerpt from:
Are You Too Old to be Wearing That?

BP: Cap on gushing well removed, oil flows freely

Robotic submarines removed the cap from the gushing well in the Gulf of Mexico on Saturday, beginning a period of at least two days when oil will flow freely into the sea. It's the first step in placing a tighter dome that is supposed to funnel more oil to collection ships on the surface a mile above. If all goes according to plan, the tandem of the tighter cap and the surface ships could keep all the oil from polluting the fragile Gulf as soon as Monday. BP spokesman Mark Proegler said the old cap was removed at 12:37 p.m. CDT on Saturday. “Over the next four to seven days, depending on how things go, we should get that sealing cap on. That's our plan,” said Kent Wells, a BP senior vice president. It would be only a temporary solution to the catastrophe unleashed by a drilling rig explosion nearly 12 weeks ago. It won't plug the busted well and it remains uncertain that it will succeed. The oil is flowing mostly unabated into the water for about 48 hours — long enough for as much as 5 million gallons to gush out — until the new cap is installed. The hope for a permanent solution remains with two relief wells intended to plug it completely far beneath the seafloor. Engineers now begin removing a bolted flange below the dome. The flange has to be taken off so another piece of equipment called a flange spool can go over the drill pipe, where the sealing cap will be connected. The work could spill over into Sunday, Wells said, depending on how hard it is to pull off the flange. BP has a backup plan in case that doesn't work: A piece of machinery will pry the top and the bottom of the flange apart. On Friday, National Incident Commander Thad Allen had said the cap could be in place by Monday. That's still possible, given the timeline BP submitted to the federal government, but officials say it could take up to a week of tests before it's clear whether the new cap is working. The cap now in use was installed June 4, but because it had to be fitted over a jagged cut in the well pipe, it allows some crude to escape. The new cap — dubbed “Top Hat Number 10” — follows 80 days of failures to contain or plug the leak. added by: JanforGore