Tag Archives: commander-thad

HuffPo: The Crime of the Century ~ What BP and the US Government Don’t Want You to Know, Part I

The unprecedented disaster caused by the BP oil spill at the Deepwater Horizon Mississippi Canyon 252 site continues to expand even as National Incident Commander Thad Allen and BP assert that the situation is improving, the blown-out source capped and holding steady, the situation well in hand and cleanup operations are being scaled back. The New York Times declared on the front page this past week that the oil was disolving more rapidly than anticipated. Time magazine reported that environmental anti-advocate Rush Limbaugh had a point when he said the spill was a “leak”. Thad Allen pointed out in a press conference that boats are still skimming on the surface, a futile gesture when the dispersant Corexit is being used to break down oil on the surface. As the oil is broken down, it mixes with the dispersant and flows under or over any booming operations. To judge from most media coverage, the beaches are open, the fishing restrictions being lifted and the Gulf resorts open for business in a healthy, safe environment. We, along with Pierre LeBlanc, spent the last few weeks along the Gulf coast from Louisiana to Florida, and the reality is distinctly different. The coastal communities of Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, and Florida have been inundated by the oil and toxic dispersant Corexit 9500, and the entire region is contaminated. The once pristine white beaches that have been subject to intense cleaning operations now contain the oil/dispersant contamination to an unknown depth. The economic impacts potentially exceed even the devastation of a major hurricane like Katrina, the adverse impacts on health and welfare of human populations are increasing every minute of every day and the long-term effects are potentially life threatening. Over the Gulf from the Source (official term for the Deepwater Horizon spill site) in to shore there is virtually no sign of life anywhere in the vast areas covered by the dispersed oil and Corexit. This in a region previously abundant with life above and below the ocean's surface in all its diversity. For months now, scientists and environmental organizations have been asking where all the animals are. The reported numbers of marine animals lost from BP fall far short of the observed loss. The water has a heavy appearance and the slightly iridescent greenish yellow color that extends as far as the eye can see. ~~ more at link, including photos added by: samantha420

BP: Cap on gushing well removed, oil flows freely

Robotic submarines removed the cap from the gushing well in the Gulf of Mexico on Saturday, beginning a period of at least two days when oil will flow freely into the sea. It's the first step in placing a tighter dome that is supposed to funnel more oil to collection ships on the surface a mile above. If all goes according to plan, the tandem of the tighter cap and the surface ships could keep all the oil from polluting the fragile Gulf as soon as Monday. BP spokesman Mark Proegler said the old cap was removed at 12:37 p.m. CDT on Saturday. “Over the next four to seven days, depending on how things go, we should get that sealing cap on. That's our plan,” said Kent Wells, a BP senior vice president. It would be only a temporary solution to the catastrophe unleashed by a drilling rig explosion nearly 12 weeks ago. It won't plug the busted well and it remains uncertain that it will succeed. The oil is flowing mostly unabated into the water for about 48 hours — long enough for as much as 5 million gallons to gush out — until the new cap is installed. The hope for a permanent solution remains with two relief wells intended to plug it completely far beneath the seafloor. Engineers now begin removing a bolted flange below the dome. The flange has to be taken off so another piece of equipment called a flange spool can go over the drill pipe, where the sealing cap will be connected. The work could spill over into Sunday, Wells said, depending on how hard it is to pull off the flange. BP has a backup plan in case that doesn't work: A piece of machinery will pry the top and the bottom of the flange apart. On Friday, National Incident Commander Thad Allen had said the cap could be in place by Monday. That's still possible, given the timeline BP submitted to the federal government, but officials say it could take up to a week of tests before it's clear whether the new cap is working. The cap now in use was installed June 4, but because it had to be fitted over a jagged cut in the well pipe, it allows some crude to escape. The new cap — dubbed “Top Hat Number 10” — follows 80 days of failures to contain or plug the leak. added by: JanforGore

Oil Gusher Could be 100% Capped by Monday

(CBS/AP) The federal official leading the Gulf oil spill cleanup says a new containment cap and an additional ship collecting oil could effectively contain the spill as early as Monday. National Incident Commander Thad Allen said Friday that the work to replace a leaky containment cap on the well head with a tighter one will begin Saturday. At the same time, a ship connecting to a different part of leak is expected to come online Sunday. If all goes according to plan, the combination could collect all of the oil leaking from the seafloor. Workers at the site of BP's massive spill are set to begin the complicated cap-switching operation this weekend. But oil may flow unimpeded for several days during the process. Allen said Friday that undersea robots will begin removing a cap mounted over the jagged remnants of the well head Saturday. Special Section: Disaster in the Gulf They plan to put a new containment cap that will form a better seal. Then, up to four ships will begin collecting the oil and gas. The time from beginning the removal of the old cap to attaching the new cap will take several days. Work continues on what officials hope will be the ultimate solution: a pair of relief wells intercepting the leaking well far below the seafloor. BP said Thursday that the first of the relief wells could be done by the end of the month. And if that doesn't succeed, one backup being considered is transferring the crude to non-producing underwater wells that are miles away. BP would run the flow through pipelines across the floor of the Gulf of Mexico, Allen said. Allen on Thursday sent BP a letter demanding details about contingency plans in the event they have to proceed with the simultaneous maneuver or if the sealing cap installation fails, including due to severe weather. The oil company has 24 hours to respond. Thad Allen's July 8 Letter to BP There are currently two vessels siphoning oil from the gushing undersea well: the Discovery Enterprise, which captures an estimated 15,000 barrels of oil a day, and the Q-4000, which captures about 10,000 barrels a day. Crews are working to connect a third ship, the Helix Producer, which would help another 25,000 barrels daily. If everything works as planned, officials hope the total capture capacity could increase to 80,000 barrels daily with the sealing cap, reports CBS News White House correspondent Mark Knoller. added by: TimALoftis

Military Patrols Beach in Panama City

In the middle of June it was reported that BP hired private security contractor to keep the media away from sites the transnational corporation claims it is cleaning. “BP, in a move destined to go down as one of the bestest public relations moves ever, has apparently hired a private security company to help to keep pesky reporters from covering the unfolding catastrophe on the beaches of the Gulf Coast,” Adam Rawnsley writes for Wired. Last week the San Francisco Chronicle and CNN reported on the government’s effort to keep pesky journalists exercising the First Amendment from reporting on the supposed oil cleanup and the environmental impact of the worst oil disaster in history. “Under threat of a federal felony, National Incident Commander Thad Allen has banned all media access to boom operation sites and clean up sites,” writes Yobie Benjamin. “Allen’s orders effectively bans all media — print, television, radio and Internet bloggers from talking to to any clean-up worker or to even come close to take pictures or videos of booms, clean-up workers, oil soaked birds, dead dolphins, dead marine life, burned and dead endangered sea turtles.” In addition to acting as National Incident Commander Thad Allen is a retired United States Coast Guard four-star admiral. The Coast Guard is a branch of the United States armed forces and one of seven uniformed services. It operates under the Department of Homeland Security during peacetime. Allen was appointed deputy to FEMA director Michael D. Brown by Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff during Hurricane Katrina. The presence of the military in the wake of Hurricane Katrina was designed to violate the Posse Comitatus Act and condition the public to accept military integration within Homeland Security and the domestic response to natural disasters (and supposed acts of terrorism). Allen’s appointment as National Incident Commander by Department of Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano gives the federal response to the oil disaster a quasi-military cover. Allen’s decree banning the media has the appearance of a militarily-imposed command. It is no mistake Allen often wears a military uniform — even though he is retired from the Coast Guard — when he talks with the media. Now citizens are reporting the presence of soldiers on Florida’s beaches. In the video below, several soldiers in combat fatigues were photographed driving vehicles on the beach in Panama City, Florida. On May 4, up to 17,500 U.S. Army National Guard troops were mobilized by the Pentagon “to help various states with the oil spill,” according to the Associated Press. “Defense Secretary Robert Gates has granted requests to send troops of up to 6,000 by Louisiana, 3,000 by Alabama, 2,500 by Florida and 6,000 by Mississippi.” The military pictured in the video do not appear to be engaged in clean-up activities. It appears their presence on a crowded beach during a holiday weekend has but one purpose — to acclimate citizens to the prospect of troops patrolling public spaces. Florida has yet to experience oil washing up on beaches to the extent occurring in Louisiana and other Gulf of Mexico states. No word if they are enforcing Allen’s command that the media will be arrested for a felony if they dare report the disaster to the American people. added by: im1mjrpain

Jesus Face in Oil Spill Video feed

Whether it's real or not, it's reassuring to see Jesus in the oil. He has shown up on everything from toast to leaves to woodgrains. This seems like a natural next step for Him to reveal Himself. added by: petermmarino

Obama Serves 14-State Governors with Warnings of Arrest

Barack Hussein Obama had served 14-State Governors in the United States, National Security Letters (NSLs) warning that the Governor’s actions in attempting to form “State Defense Forces” needs to be halted “immediately” or they will face arrest for the crime of treason. The employment of NSLs was authorized by the Patriot Act introduced by George W. Bush. Contained within the section related to these letters, it is forbidden for anyone receiving a NSL warning to even acknowledge the existence of said communication. Obama is angered by the several State Governors who have reestablished “State Defense Forces.” These forces are described as: “State Defense Forces (also known as State Guards, State Military Reserves, State Militias) in the United States are military units that operate under the sole authority of a state government; they are not regulated by the National Guard Bureau nor are they part of the Army National Guard of the United States. State Defense Forces are authorized by state and federal law and are under the command of the governor of each state. State Defense Forces are distinct from their state’s National Guard in that they cannot become federal entities.” Mr. Obama is fearful of these State Defense Forces, in that he does not have control of said forces, and with the U.S. Military stretched to near breaking from multiple deployments and theatre actions in Iraq and Afghanistan, these State military forces would be under the direct command and authority of the Governors in which states have said forces. In essence, the Governors would have “de facto control” of the United States. added by: regjoeschmo

‘Top kill’ stops oil leak flow in Gulf of Mexico, US Admiral says

Admiral Thad Allen, head of the government's effort to help staunch the oil leak that resulted after an offshore rig collapsed into the Gulf of Mexico, told reporters Thursday morning that BP's latest effort to plug the leak has succeeded, according to the Chicago Tribune (and Los Angeles Times). The so-called “top kill” effort, launched Wednesday afternoon by industry and government engineers in Houston, has pumped enough drilling fluid to block all oil and gas from the well, Allen said. The pressure from the well is very low, but persistent, he said. Once engineers have reduced the well pressure to zero, they will begin to pump cement into the hole to entomb the well. To help that effort, he said, engineers are also pumping some debris into the blowout preventer at the top of the well. Allen said one ship that was pumping fluid into the well has run out of the fluid, or “mud,” and that a second ship is on the way. He said he was encouraged by the progress. “We'll get this under control,” he said. “They've stopped the hydrocarbons from coming up,” National Incident Commander Thad Allen was quoted elsewhere as saying. “They've been able to stabilize the well head, they are pumping mud down it.” Allen repeated his assertion on NPR Thursday morning, but officials close to the spill wouldn't confirm or deny Allen's comments to Reuters. http://rawstory.com/rs/2010/0527/breaking-top-kill-stops-oil-leak-flow-gulf-mexi… BP oil spill: 'top kill' live coverage http://www.guardian.co.uk/environment/blog/2010/may/27/bp-oil-spill-top-kill Live from the Ocean Floor: New Oil Leak Widget Features 'Spillcam' http://www.pbs.org/newshour/rundown/2010/05/newshour-oil-widget-2-including-spil… added by: zichi