Tag Archives: becomes-public

B.G. Prepares for Prison

B.G., a rapper who will soon begin a 14-year prison sentence for charges of gun possession and witness tampering, is prepared to serve his time. The artist also known as Baby Gangsta has released the following statement through his publicist: “I am relieved I found out what my fate was yesterday because I was facing 30 years and my case kept getting pushed back. “I am just ready to get my sentence started because it’s not RIP BG it’s FREE BG … I feel happy and blessed that I will still be a young man and still be able to see daylight because I am someone, a dad, a brother and a son.” And fans can look forward to new tracks from the hip hopper while he’s locked up. Promises B.G.: “[I] will have upcoming music that will be released while I am away.”

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B.G. Prepares for Prison

Fred Willard to Avoid Prosecution, Get Off in Adult Movie Theater Case

Fred Willard is expected to get off easy in his lewd conduct case. Okay, wrong choice of words. The veteran actor, who was arrested this week for an incident inside a Hollywood theater that allegedly involved his pants being down , can avoid prosecution if he signs up for a $380 “pre-filing diversion class,” The Los Angeles Time s reports. This is a program that teaches one about responsibility and decision-making. Willard has referred to the arrest as a “a big misunderstanding” and he’s already been fired from his job at PBS. But at least it looks like the funny man won’t get into any real trouble with the law and at least he has the support of his friends. Tweeted Albert Brooks a couple days ago: “I love Fred Willard. He’s a great guy. For his birthday I’m getting him a den and a computer.”

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Fred Willard to Avoid Prosecution, Get Off in Adult Movie Theater Case

Stars React to Colorado Shooting, Push for Gun Control Laws

Amidst the sadness and shock over the fatal Aurora, Colorado shooting at a Dark Knight Rises screening early Friday morning, many celebrities have taken to Twitter to express their sympathy for the victims and their families. Many have also used this as an opportunity to push for stricter gun laws, an area in which President Barack Obama has been considered a total failure by The Brady Center to Prevent Gun Violence. Here is a sampling of star Tweets on the matter. Read through them and share your take with us now: Cory Monteith : guns don’t kill people, people do etc.. but until we can fix society somehow you probably shouldn’t be able to buy AR-15’s at a fishing shop … such a senseless tragedy. when are we going to reconsider the role of guns in society? how many more times does this have to happen? Susan Sarandon : The right to bear arms was referring to muskets. Maybe it’s time to re-think our gun policy on this day of slaughter in Colorado. Piers Morgan : Lunatics like this will always try and get guns. It should be 100,000 times harder than it is for them to do so. That’s my point. Miley Cyrus (in a retweet): Less guns = less psychopaths who can get guns = less innocent lives lost….seems pretty obvious to me. Chris Daughtry : Stricter gun laws will not stop SICK people from getting access to guns…Laws & rules are not in the forefront of the mind of a criminal. John Leguizamo : My heart goes 2 all the victims families in colorado. No one should have to go thru that. When r we gonna get guns removed in this country?! Bryan Greenberg : People against gun control are you kidding me?! Don’t even try to justify having a AR-15 for personal use. Not necessary!! Josh Hopkins : Dear news media, In reporting about tragedy in Colorado please do less about ‘does Batman promote violence’ & more about gun control. Thanks.

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Stars React to Colorado Shooting, Push for Gun Control Laws

Adorable Kitten Takes on Giant Doberman [Video]

At times like this, when the nation is witness to a senseless tragedy and stories about the victims begin to leak out and disturbing news concerning the shooter becomes public and you can see a debate between the Left and Right forming over gun control … … sometimes you just need to sit back and watch an adorable little kitten insist on playing with a giant Doberman. You just need to smile and appreciate the smaller things in life. That’s the goal here. Enjoy, readers: