Three weeks ago, 257 young girls were kidnapped from their school in eastern Nigeria. Since then, thousands of Twitter followers have joined the campaign to have the girls safely returned to their homes, making the hashtag “BringBackOurGirls a worldwide trending topic. Now the movement has its most powerful follower to date, as Michelle Obama has joined the fight. The First Lady tweeted the above photo recently, along with the caption, “Our prayers are with the missing Nigerian girls and their families.” Michelle Obama joined Instagram last year and has spoken publicly about the important role played by social media in activist and grass roots political campaigns. Fittingly, Obama’s first post to the popular photo-sharing site was a photo of herself and her daughters joined by a group of young women from a small African school. Other celebrities including Kendall Jenner, Ashton Kutcher and Justin Timberlake have announced their support for #BringBackOurGirls and its parallel movement #RealMenDontBuyGirls. The situation in Nigeria has made global headlines in the weeks since the kidnapping, with the world watching in horror as the girls’ captors publicly announced their intention to sell them into sex slavery. In addition to the Twitter campaign, activists have been organizing worldwide protests in hopes of spurring world leaders to action.
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Michelle Obama Joins Bring Back Our Girls Campaign