Tag Archives: been-retaining

Miley Cyrus Instagram Erotica of the Day

Miley Cyrus posted this video a couple of hours ago. I assume it’s some sort of Miley Cyrus christmas special footage because nothing says Christmas like videos that remind me of the worst sext ever because this girl is supposed to be anti-bra yet is wearing a bra – making me think she’s either full of shit…and a walking lie or contradiction before remembering she’s some hollywood starlet who came up in hollywood…of course she’s full of shit but at least she delivers some level of slutty behavior to keep me interested…. Here’s a shower pic… Here is her vagina lip – just cuz

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Miley Cyrus Instagram Erotica of the Day

Poler Stuff Bag is the Gift Idea of the Day

I am not a camper, as far as I’m concerned, that shit is for lesbians and tree hugging vegan weirdos who don’t shower… However, POLER STUFF is fucking awesome stuff. It brings out the unshaved mountain man in me. It makes me want to chop down my own Christmas tree, or save a damsel in distress…and I figure that you might as well gift someone with one of their products because maybe it will make them feel the same…getting back to their americana roots….making the world a better fucking place.. Or you could always use their stuff when you take that special lady out to your special spot in the middle of no where…in the forest where no one care hear anything…and a bag…can come in handy to transport….all you need to transport… TO SEE ALL THEIR AMAZING STUFF CLICK HERE TO SEE ALL OUR GIFT IDEAS CLICK HERE

Poler Stuff Bag is the Gift Idea of the Day

Miranda Kerr Nipples for Terry Richardson of the Day

Here’s Miranda Kerr looking’ bloated, like she’s been retaining a little water, maybe too much salt in her diet..maybe just sadness from being irrelevant and calling on favors with major photographer friends, who will still shoot her because she’s still Miranda Kerr…and not totally irrelevant at least not yet…and she takes a good picture…with her nipples out because maybe, just maybe she’ll get job…

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Miranda Kerr Nipples for Terry Richardson of the Day

Miranda Kerr Nipples for Terry Richardson of the Day

Here’s Miranda Kerr looking’ bloated, like she’s been retaining a little water, maybe too much salt in her diet..maybe just sadness from being irrelevant and calling on favors with major photographer friends, who will still shoot her because she’s still Miranda Kerr…and not totally irrelevant at least not yet…and she takes a good picture…with her nipples out because maybe, just maybe she’ll get job…

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Miranda Kerr Nipples for Terry Richardson of the Day