Tag Archives: before-because

Olivia Munn and Christina Hendricks Hacked / Leaked Nude Pics of the Day

I hated Olivia Munn before today, so the fact that she’s making me turn on my computer to post her shitty leaked pictures, reallly hits close to home, because my hate was directed towards protecting the awkward virgin losers out there by letting them know she’s a fucking lie manipulating them…. I hated Christina Hendricks before because she is obese and big tits come with 75% of obese chicks and there is nothing hot about obese tits…stomach or ass…unless your black or unable to get pussy in the first place….but now I hate her cuz she’s making me hungry…and really I’ll stare at any tits for hours upon hours…. I don’t know how legit these are, or why they were leaked together, I just know they are both attention seekers and I also know that they happened…whatever they are….and you’ll probably want to do your nerd analysis while I go get daytime drunk…. Thanks to CELEBRIBABES for the morning text informing me that these exist….you prick…. Christina Hendricks Fat Fetish Porn: Olivia Munn Irritiating but Hot Bodied : The Evidence: Fuck yourself.

See the article here:
Olivia Munn and Christina Hendricks Hacked / Leaked Nude Pics of the Day

Rihanna Blocks Her Vagina Flash of the Day

Rihanna avoided flashing the world her prostitute cunt at least what I assume is a prostitute cunt cuz there is really only one way out of a life as a garbage man’s daughter in a shanty in Bridgetown and that’s via the sex trade / human trafficking that I guess worked out well for her and the guy who bought her cuz now she’s all famous, money making, while hardly talented enough to get out of a car properly enough to make me forget I hate her…. Here she is grabbing her Vagina in a concert in Berlin…you’ve probably seen these pictures before because it’s a dance move part that is part of her show that she does when in this pink uterus colored latex/pantsless shit she borrowed from Lady Gaga…but she’s still grabbing her pussy in front of 100s of people and like the poor kid at the school play who doesn’t wash proper scratching his genitals, shit’s funny…. Pics via LFI Pics via PacificCoastNews

See the original post here:
Rihanna Blocks Her Vagina Flash of the Day