Tag Archives: being-on-their

Mommy To Be Banger: Remy Ma Flaunts Her Protruding Papoose Pooch

Image via Raymond Hall/GC Images/Getty Remy Ma Shows Off Her Baby Bump Remy Ma is giving fans a good look at her Papoose pooch. The rapper who’s seven months pregnant recently posted a picture of her burgeoning bump in a Fashion Nova one-piece. Remy’s currently promoting her new VH1 show “Meet The Mackies” that features her family with Papoose and airs Mondays at 9 on VH1. Will YOU be watching???

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Mommy To Be Banger: Remy Ma Flaunts Her Protruding Papoose Pooch

Trump’s Tribe: Colorado Woman Defends Latina Women Against Racist Old Lady Who Says They Shouldn’t Speak Spanish In America 

(Photo by: MediaForMedical/UIG via Getty Images) The current President has given many closeted racists the courage to be a bigot in public — but fortunately there are some folks out here who stand up for truth and justice, despite the favor being on their side. Like Kamira Trent who was just shopping in a Colorado grocery store when she noticed a White woman, Linda Dwire , yelling at two Hispanic women for speaking Spanish. Dwire reportedly asked the women if they liked America, and then told them that if they did, they should be speaking English . Trent yelled at the bigot, “I’m calling the cops. You leave these women alone! Get out!” Dwire ignorantly clapped back, “You come from a generation that’s destroying this country. You will lose your country. You know what. You come from a generation that’s destroying this country” To which Trent responded, “No I do not. I have respect. You do not harass people.” According to Buzzfeed News , Dwire told the officer she was exercising her right to freedom of speech and that she found it offensive the two women were speaking Spanish because they “didn’t have the respect to speak English.” The cops arrived shortly after and arrested Linda Dwire. She was taken to Garfield County Jail, and charged with two counts of bias-motivated harassment.

Read the original here:
Trump’s Tribe: Colorado Woman Defends Latina Women Against Racist Old Lady Who Says They Shouldn’t Speak Spanish In America