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NBA Leads Sports in Diversity

Professional sports have long had a disconnect between the players and management where diversity is concerned, so hats off to the NBA for setting an example for baseball, football and that weird boring ice game. The basketball league scores an A in both racial and gender diversity, with women sitting at 44 percent of the desks in league offices. AP via ESPN: The NBA was again the only men’s professional sports league to receive a combined “A” for race and gender in the annual report released Wednesday by the University of Central Florida’s Institute for Diversity and Ethics in Sport. Women made up 44 percent of professional employees at the league offices. That increased by one percent from last year, higher than any other men’s professional league in any previous study but still below the NBA’s high of 49 percent in the 1995-96 season. There also were 34 women in vice president positions in the league office, an increase of three. And while the league received high marks for gender again, Lapchick said that might be the area the NBA can make the biggest strides. Read more Related Entries May 31, 2010 What’s Not to Like About Civil Rights? May 31, 2010 Memorial Day and Our Discontents

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NBA Leads Sports in Diversity