In my recent post “99 Problems But a Chick Ain’t One,” I talked about how my struggle to find good female friends included learning how to be a better friend myself. Whether the topic is jumping rope or jumping the broom, every now and then I’m sure we all wish we had a guide that would help navigate us through some of the common challenges of friendship. Well with an “I Dream of Jeannie” nod, your wish is my command… ( Continued At )
When it comes to sisterhood, it’s safe to say the loyalty factor plays a bit more of a bigger role in our bond. There are rules that simply have absolutely NO exceptions to them, they cannot be broken, fractured or even sprained–only severed. Not only that, but there is little to no room for flexibility in bending the rules a even a little. Absolutely not, my friend. The difference between brotherhood and sisterhood is simple: Bros before hoes. Meaning, guys could fall out over a woman, duke it out and still be on for drinks at ‘Nipsy’s’ on Friday night. If you still are having difficulty understanding this, say man X dates girl H. Girl H sleeps with man X’s best friend, hmmm, let’s call him man G. Man X finds out about this, he’s mad–fuming even. He confronts the two involved, and long story short man X drops girl H, fights man G and go on to play ball in Rucker’s Park with the fellas around 9 o’clock that night. Problem solved, bros before hoes. No garden tool will ever come between a man and his brotherhood. It just won’t happen. This situation would play out a LOT different if it were reversed. Ladies, we know how we are–a*s backwards. We’d never have a bond like that, I don’t care if you were my blood. It sucks but ladies we all know, if your girlfriend even fixed her lips to compliment your man, she’d get the automatic side eye and raised brows would be most definitely be abundant. One of the biggest rules to sisterhood is to NEVER mess with your girlfriend’s man. Ever. It’s the golden rule amongst sistas. Period. It doesn’t matter if you were friends at the time but fell out, or if the two of you haven’t spoken in years. You and your girlfriend’s man need not have any dealings unless it pertains to you, and even that is sometimes too close for comfort; and if you had any previous knowledge that a relationship existed between your friend and said man, you run the risk of losing a friendship, a scarlet letter on your reputation and a first class ticket to get that butt deer dropped (Y’aint know? Check it out here )! To tell you the truth, I feel like it’s pretty sad that women put such limits on bonds like our sisterhood yet at the same time, I know If any one of my girls tried to pull the robbery on me I’d be the first one ready, willing and able to stone her behind. I know women hinder ourselves from a stronger sisterhood but the fact of the matter is, friendships are all about trust and loyalty. Can I trust you to have my back and be there for me without an unbiased opinion or an ulterior motive? Can I trust you to be the minority of people in my life to be loyal enough to not through a dagger in my back in an attempt to get ahead in the race that we call life? Will women ever establish a truly unbreakable bond? Who knows, all I can say for now is don’t go against the grain and stay away from your girlfriend’s man! Also, it should be noted that, not only should the friend be dropped, but your man also (if you were still together). Nothing is worse than a woman only holding the other woman accountable for stealing her man when we all know it takes two to tango! I’m curious, what are your thoughts on the issue? 5 People That Should Be On Your Dating No-No List And Why Is Your Girlfriend’s Ex-Boyfriend Off Limits? 4 Ways To Be A Better Friend