Tag Archives: big government

Mike Beitler > Richard Burr & Elaine Marshall in NC Senate Election

North Carolina voters have a choice this November. They can continue voting for big government republicans like Richard Burr and big government democrats like Elaine Marshall, or they can vote for the solution, vote for Freedom, vote for Dr Mike Beitler who is on the ballot in NC. From crony corporatism, to war, to personal freedoms, to taxation,……only the Libertarian Party will defend your Freedom in the voting booth. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Afb8AlR1ztc added by: shanklinmike

White House Embarrasses Itself over Andrew Breitbart’s Race-Baiting [Polidicks]

On Tuesday, Shirley Sherrold , a black USDA employee, resigned, under pressure from the White House , after conservative publisher Andrew Breitbart published a video where she seemed to admit to anti-white discrimination. Except the video shows her saying the exact opposite. More