Tag Archives: billions-upon

Volt, Schmolt; Get a Bike Instead

Daily Dish An interesting thread of posts on Andrew Sullivan’s Daily Dish includes a great quote from … Read the full story on TreeHugger

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Volt, Schmolt; Get a Bike Instead

Composting As Animal Husbandry – Moving Way Beyond Recycling

Image credit: Sami Grover I was observing the heat rising from my compost heap this morning, the one inspired by my review of Gene Logsdon’s guide to managing manure , when I was struck by a particular insight—what I was actually witnessing was the cumulative body heat of billions upon billions of tiny little beasties. To anyone familiar with the composting process, that observation is pretty elementary. But it got me wondering—maybe we should stop thinking about composting as simply “recycling”, “waste … Read the full story on TreeHugger

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Composting As Animal Husbandry – Moving Way Beyond Recycling