Tag Archives: binding-vows

Dairy Industry Says Its Greenhouse Gas Emissions Lower Than Previously Reported: 2% of US Total

photo: www.bluewaikiki.com via flickr Let’s take it as given that considering the flack dairy gets from segments of the green community for its environmental problems that this result is probably what the Innovation Center for US Dairy wanted, and move on: According to a new calculation of the carbon footprint of a gallon of milk in the United States, the emissions of the dairy industry are 2% of the nation’s total, lower than previous studies have shown,

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Dairy Industry Says Its Greenhouse Gas Emissions Lower Than Previously Reported: 2% of US Total

The 7 Best Green Initiatives From Bill Clinton’s 2010 Summit

Photo via CGI 2010 The Clinton Global Initiative is a gathering of heads of state, businesses, activists, celebrities, and nonprofits from around the world that’s designed to foster progress through “commitments” — binding vows to back projects dedicated to the greater good. Commitments focus on everything from health to empowering women and girls. And every year, there’s a strong focus on sustainability and the environment. The often exceedingly well-funded projects announced this year… Read the full story on TreeHugger

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The 7 Best Green Initiatives From Bill Clinton’s 2010 Summit