Tag Archives: blame-the-black

Vegas Police Release Bodycam Footage That “Justifies” Them Hemming Up Michael Bennett After The Mayweather Fight [Video]

Las Vegas PD released body cam footage depicting a 3-man police team of 2 hispanic officers and 1 black officer chasing down Michael Bennett after he kept running and did not get down on the ground as instructed during a hotel swee in search of an active shooter inside a casino. As Bennett was spotted crouching down and running through the casino and out a hotel door, eventually jumping over a gate and running out the street, cops singled him out as a possible suspect in the incident. But once they identified him, they quickly let him go. The Vegas PD believes this proves his detainment had nothing to do with race . Hmmm…do you think the cops have a point or was it just another case of blame the Black man? TMZ/Getty

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Vegas Police Release Bodycam Footage That “Justifies” Them Hemming Up Michael Bennett After The Mayweather Fight [Video]

Vegas Police Release Bodycam Footage That “Justifies” Them Hemming Up Michael Bennett After The Mayweather Fight [Video]

Las Vegas PD released body cam footage depicting a 3-man police team of 2 hispanic officers and 1 black officer chasing down Michael Bennett after he kept running and did not get down on the ground as instructed during a hotel swee in search of an active shooter inside a casino. As Bennett was spotted crouching down and running through the casino and out a hotel door, eventually jumping over a gate and running out the street, cops singled him out as a possible suspect in the incident. But once they identified him, they quickly let him go. The Vegas PD believes this proves his detainment had nothing to do with race . Hmmm…do you think the cops have a point or was it just another case of blame the Black man? TMZ/Getty

Go here to read the rest:
Vegas Police Release Bodycam Footage That “Justifies” Them Hemming Up Michael Bennett After The Mayweather Fight [Video]

Race Matters: Tennessee City Councilman Vows To Kill “Black N***er” For Not Paying Debts

Tennessee Councilman Johnny James Calls 911 And Threatens To Kill “N***er” Politicians are racist??? We’re shocked… Via RawStory A Tennessee city councilman who runs a car towing service called 911 earlier this month, telling the operator to send police officers to his place of business or “you’re going to have one deceased black n****r down here.” In the recording, reported by WVLT, Loudon City Councilman Johnny James can be heard threatening to beat the man to death. James says he is not prejudiced and has lots of black friends, but that he was frustrated at his inability to get paid by the man before they got into a fight. “I regret it, I wish it had never happened, but there’s nothing I can do about it, I can’t change what the past is,” James explained. “He kept agitating me, getting on my truck, agitating me, and he took me to the limit.” Initially addressing the 911 operator as “sweetheart” James identified himself before saying, “If you don’t get 941 down here on Bright Rd. you’re going to have one deceased black n****r down here.” During the conversation with the operator James was asked if he had any weapons in his wrecker truck, with James replying, “No, I don’t need a weapon to beat him to death with.” http://up.anv.bz/latest/anvload.html?key=eyJtIjoiZ3JheSIsInAiOiJkZWZhdWx0IiwidiI6IjMyNTUwMjUiLCJwbHVnaW5zIjp7ImRmcCI6eyJjbGllbnRTaWRlIjp7ImFkVGFnVXJsIjoiaHR0cDovL3B1YmFkcy5nLmRvdWJsZWNsaWNrLm5ldC9nYW1wYWQvYWRzP3N6PTY0MHg0ODAmaXU9LzMwMTcyMTcxNS9XVkxUJmNpdV9zenMmaW1wbD1zJmdkZnBfcmVxPTEmYWRfcnVsZT0xJnZwb3M9cHJlcm9sbCZlbnY9dnAmb3V0cHV0PXhtbF92YXN0MiZ1bnZpZXdlZF9wb3NpdGlvbl9zdGFydD0xJmNvcnJlbGF0b3I9Jyt0cysnJmNtc2lkPTMyNzUmdmlkPUFOVl9HUlRWXzMyNTUwMzYifX0sImFuYWx5dGljcyI6eyJwZGIiOjg1MTU2NTY1fX19 Yup, this guy represents the local government. Flip the page to hear ol’ Johnny boy blame the black man for making him use the word “n***er”.

See the rest here:
Race Matters: Tennessee City Councilman Vows To Kill “Black N***er” For Not Paying Debts