Trump Administration Disrespectful In Handling Of U.S. Attorneys SMH. The Justice Department announced the resignation of 46 U.S. attorneys this week, all of whom were in association with the Obama administration, with out personally notifying all of them. It’s common that any attorneys nominated during a former administration step down or resign after a new President takes office, but what’s unique about this is that no one communicated with them about how and when it would happen. Many of the attorneys found out through media sources. The Justice Department announced the firings Friday and prosecutors confirmed they were not notified before it became publicized, according to CNN . Many are criticizing the classless act. Reportedly, acting Deputy Attorney General Dana Boente was in the beginning stages of calling each US attorney individually to tell them they had to resign when the DOJ issued a statement. Wow, what a pathetic way to treat our own. Not even a text message??? Foul.
Excerpt from:
Dozens Of U.S. Attorneys Found Out They Were Fired From Trump’s Administration AFTER It Was Publicized