Tag Archives: bodied-thing

Kendall Jenner Pretty Fit in a Bikini for Instagram of the Day

Tween Kendall Jenner has good morals, values and concept of how to market herself thanks to her old, fatter, more ethnic half sister who she wants to be exactly like…..but she also has a great fucking body…cuz instead of having a fat Armenian lawyer up in her DNA, she’s got an Olympic Gold athlete ready to win in her…making me think she was always the trophy girl they intended to have win over America….Kim Kardashian was just designed to be the evil leader of the family…a little gymnastic bodied thing takes over…at least thas what I hope…because I like my girls fit, lean and a better inspiration to the youth…not fat and filming porn with hip hop stars like some kind of music video girl no one respects….Team fucking Jennner..even though the whole bus of this family should be publicly blown up for the sake of America.

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Kendall Jenner Pretty Fit in a Bikini for Instagram of the Day