Tag Archives: bored-at-home

Pornhub Comments on Stock Images of the Day

Every once in a while something hits the internet that speaks directly to me and my sense of humor. That usually happens very fucking rarely because I am a bitter joke snob and when shit comes my way, I usually just see the retards buying into the bullshit like a bunch of retards playing with their feces at some retard home… But I love how idiotic and ridiculous people are…when I started this site I used to troll message boards and comments and expose the idiots because human nature and all it’s insanity fascinates me… The fact that weirdos are bored at home in their miserable life leaving comments on porn is just next level hilarious as a concept…put that shit on a stock image and you have genius….genius I wish I came up with…but I am only one man and I can only do so much… Here are some good ones… TO SEE MORE CLICK HERE

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Pornhub Comments on Stock Images of the Day

Lindsay Lohan Does Money Makin’ on House Arrest of the Day

“Lindsay Lohan? The name sounds familiar, but I can’t seem to place it….wasn’t she on The Hills or something?”….that’s what people will be sayin about Lohan in the next 10 years….cuz she just doesn’t fucking matter… Beezid, a penny auction site that has an office here in Montreal, hired the bitch while on house arrest to do some webcam shout out for them. Funny concept, wish I had a couple hundred thousand dollars to throw at a drowning celebrity while bored at home, but I hope they didn’t pay her too much, because when I pulled this off youtube an hour ago, only 300 people had seen it….however, I’m not a marketing genius and assume every site and their mother will post this cuz Lohan’s the talk of the town even though she doesn’t do shit in the town and it pretty fucking uninteresting now that all stunts have been pulled… But it is funny to see what a struggling failure will do to keep in the acting mix….holding on as hard as she can…which will make her ultimate demise much funnier to point and laugh at.. A much more interesting story about BEEZID , is that I took a bath with one of the girls who works there…. That said, I’d like to get in touch with Lohan and pay her in publicity to do the same kind of video for drunkenstepfather….but she neglects me…cuz that’s what using cunts with egos and issues do as they slowly but surely fade into obscurity… Good times.

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Lindsay Lohan Does Money Makin’ on House Arrest of the Day