Every once in a while something hits the internet that speaks directly to me and my sense of humor. That usually happens very fucking rarely because I am a bitter joke snob and when shit comes my way, I usually just see the retards buying into the bullshit like a bunch of retards playing with their feces at some retard home… But I love how idiotic and ridiculous people are…when I started this site I used to troll message boards and comments and expose the idiots because human nature and all it’s insanity fascinates me… The fact that weirdos are bored at home in their miserable life leaving comments on porn is just next level hilarious as a concept…put that shit on a stock image and you have genius….genius I wish I came up with…but I am only one man and I can only do so much… Here are some good ones… TO SEE MORE CLICK HERE
Here is the original post:
Pornhub Comments on Stock Images of the Day