Tag Archives: borowitz-andy

Bill Maher: Obama Would Be A Better President ‘If He Was Fully Black’

Bill Maher on Friday said Barack Obama’s problem is “he’s only half black.” He’d be a better president “if he was fully black.” In the season premiere of HBO’s “Real Time,” while chatting with former Clinton labor secretary Robert Reich, the host said, “Isn’t Obama’s big problem is that he does everything half-assed? Maybe it’s because he’s only half black.” Maher continued, “If he was fully black, I’m telling you, he would be a better president.” As if that wasn’t enough, “There’s a white man in him holding him back because everything is half-assed” (video follows with transcript and commentary, file photo):   BILL MAHER, HOST: Isn’t Obama’s big problem is that he does everything half-assed? Maybe it’s because he’s only half black. You know? It’s that, if he was a, if this, if he was fully black, I’m telling you, he would be a better president. There’s a white man in him holding him back because everything is half-assed. The stimulus was half-assed, healthcare is half-assed, let’s talk about Afghanistan.   What’s really hysterical about this is earlier in the program, Maher accused members of the Tea Party of being racist. I guess it isn’t racist to say there’s a white man inside the president holding him back. On the other hand, just imagine the uproar if Maher said Obama’s problem is that he was half white and that ” there’s a [black] man in him holding him back because everything is half-assed .” It seems a metaphysical certitude the panelists and his audience wouldn’t have laughed at that, nor would HBO’s management. In fact, Maher might be looking for a job tomorrow for saying something like that. Interesting double standard we have today, isn’t it? 

Originally posted here:
Bill Maher: Obama Would Be A Better President ‘If He Was Fully Black’

PBS Humorist Andy Borowitz Makes Crack About FNC as ‘Fake News’

On Friday’s Need to Know program on PBS, humorist Andy Borowitz devoted his regular “Next Week’s News” fake news segment to the story that he is supposedly leaving the show after this week. After showing clips of himself from previous episodes, he ended the segment by taking a shot at Fox News Channel as he joked that he will be moving to FNC next week because he so enjoys making up “fake news.” Borowitz: “Now, what’s next for Andy Borowitz? Well, I love doing two minutes of fake news each week, but it’s whetted my appetite to do fake news on a full-time basis. And so, starting next week, I’m moving to my new home: The Fox News Channel.” Below is a complete transcript of the Friday, September 17, “Next Week’s News” segment from PBS’s Need to Know program: JON MEACHAM: It is our sad duty to report that this is the last time we’ll be able to feature the prognostication skills of Andy Borowitz. Andy is moving on from Need to Know. ALISON STEWART: And while there are a few of you who will say it’s not a moment too soon, we speak for your legions of fans who’ll say we’ll miss you on Need to Know. The news of the future will not be the same without you, Andy. ANDY BOROWITZ: Well, thank you so much, Alison and Jon. It’s been great. Well, tonight is, how do I put it, it’s bittersweet for me because this is the last edition of “Next Week’s News.” Now, I’ve had a great time doing this segment, but I’ve been offered a new challenge that, well, I just couldn’t turn it down. More about my decision in a moment. But first, let’s take a look back at some very special moments from “Next Week’s News.” (CLIPS ARE SHOWN WITH THE SONG “GOD LIFT US UP WHERE WE BELONG” PLAYING) BOROWITZ: Good times. Now, what’s next for Andy Borowitz? Well, I love doing two minutes of fake news each week, but it’s whetted my appetite to do fake news on a full-time basis. And so, starting next week, I’m moving to my new home: The Fox News Channel. Alison, Jon? MEACHAM: We’ll be watching. Thanks for everything, Andy.

Read more from the original source:
PBS Humorist Andy Borowitz Makes Crack About FNC as ‘Fake News’