Cynical, jealous haters will continue to conjure up arguments against her. Tabloids will continue to quote anonymous sources and paint her as a mega bitch . But THG will continue to look at actual facts and hammer home one simple point: Angelina Jolie is a true role model. The actress has recently spent time in Haiti and opened a school for refugee returnees in Afghanistan. Her latest act of charity and good will? Touring Bosnia and Herzegovina, where Jolie and Brad Pitt sat with people that have been struggling since that area’s civil war ended in 1995. “[I am] so inspired by these families,” Angelina said. “Despite the grim realities of their unsettled existence, they have an incredible determination to make a better future for their children.” Approximately 117,000 people are still displaced by the aforementioned war, including the women seen below, who reside in a collective center Monday in Rogatica, Bosnia. Jolie, a U.N. Goodwill Ambassador since 2001, spoke with staffers from the U.N. High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) to help assist with plans of action for those suffering from a lack of basic needs. “I hope we can find solutions for the remaining tens of thousands of displaced people… only then can we really close one of the most tragic chapters in modern history,” she said. “[I hope] to return to this beautiful country soon and meet with political representatives to further discuss the solutions that are so badly required.” Go ahead and hate, cynics. We’ll go ahead and admire a celebrity that does more than eat at Katsuya every night in front of the paparazzi. Below, you can actually watch a brief video of Jolie and Pitt exploring the region. Goodwill Trip
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Angelina Jolie is Awesome: More Proof