Tag Archives: bottle-made

Coke Bottle Made of Ice: Released, "Eco-Friendly"!

Coca-Cola just introduced a brand new bottle – made entirely of ice. Sadly, only in Colombia for the time being. But it looks awesome! Check ’em out in the video below: Coca-Cola Bottle Made of Ice Marketed as “eco-friendly” in this ad, the bottles are part of a push by Coke to think seriously about the environment – or at least a PR campaign that suggest it is. While logistical issues posed by bottles made of ice are manifold, can you imagine how many tons of plastic would be saved each year? Each week? Sure, there’s still high-fructose corn syrup. But zero waste, people!

Coke Bottle Made of Ice: Released, "Eco-Friendly"!

Sorry, Ritz-Carlton, Plant Based Bottles For Water Are Not Green

PSFK, who should know better, titles its post ” Ritz-Carlton Goes Green With Plant-Based Bottles ” and points to a USA Today article which touts them as green bottles and says “Concerned about the waste, the luxury hotel chain is switching to a bottle made 100% from plants that can decompose in 30 days in a commercial composting facility, or can be reprocessed and remade 100% into new bottles.” This is… Read the full story on TreeHugger

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Sorry, Ritz-Carlton, Plant Based Bottles For Water Are Not Green