Tag Archives: breaks-the-big

The Real Housewives of Atlanta Reunion Recap: Growth is Hard to Find

Growth is a beautiful thing. Of course it can also be hard to find. The Real Housewives of Atlanta Reunion, Part 1, offered up a lot of talk about growth but what we saw was merely a an hour’s worth of screeching, eye rolling, and one upmanship Atlanta style so we’ll break it down in THG’s +/- review … Andy starts off asking why the ladies love to talk about there designer labels. It’s true, these women are always going on and on about who they’re wearing and what they’re buying. They may think it makes them appear wealthy, but they only look like a bunch of insecure wannabes. Minus 12 . Somehow all roads led back to NeNe tonight. If she wasn’t defending herself or yelling at someone she was rolling her eyes while the others were talking. And she was wearing the most ridiculous looking heels of the group. Minus 5 . How the heck does she walk in those things. First we’ll start off with Kandi whose sex toy line, Bedroom Kandi is making her a mint of money. Plus 8. You go girl! Phaedra says she’s helping make sure the products work well but NeNe simply looks uncomfortable. Kandi calls her out on it. Didn’t NeNe used to be a stripper. Maybe so but sex toys are not her thing.

Open Thread: An Oily Rebuke of Big Government

The Washington Examiner’s Mark Tapscott argues that ” Big Government is dying in the Gulf oil spill .” It’s not just millions of gallons of black gold spilling into the Gulf of Mexico that are being lost. Also disappearing into watery despair are the last shreds of credibility for progressive Big Government. It’s Day 65 of the Deepwater Horizon spill and the only hope of stopping the flow of thick, gooey crude remains the relief well being drilled by the private sector. None of the ass-kicking political speeches by President Obama, bureaucratic edicts by Interior Secretary Ken Salazar or EPA Administrator Lisa Jackson, or hypocritical posturing for the cameras in Congress has plugged the hole to stop the flow of suffocating oil headed to the beaches. We see this week a remarkable confluence of events signaling the eventual end of Big Government: The bureaucrats and politicians can spend trillions but they can’t plug the Gulf oil spill, agree on a budget in Congress or end the Great Recession’s foreclosures and unemployment. Is Tapscott reading too much into the spill, or will the spill be the straw that breaks the big government camel’s back?

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Open Thread: An Oily Rebuke of Big Government