Justin Bieber has grabbed plenty of crotch in his day (his own, primarily), but this latest Instagram photo feels different, like it’s supposed to MEAN something. Like a direct shot at his growing chorus of critics. You callin’ THIS Photoshopped, haters?! Bieber posted the above photo Wednesday afternoon without a caption. Not that you need one when you’ve got a picture worth 1,000 words. If not more. To recap, for anyone living under a rock: Justin posed shirtless for an underwear campaign for Calvin Klein, along with Lara Stone, who Bieliebers promptly threatened to kill online. A number Internet sleuths quickly decided that Justin Bieber stuffs his crotch and/or was Photoshopped by Calvin Klein within an inch of his life. Bieber’s legal team threatened to sue Breathe Heavy , a Britney Spears fan site, that claimed to have an un-retouched photo of his CK ad. Breathe Heavy took down the image(s) that made Justin look much punier, both above and below the belt, and apologized to his 12-year-old fans. A great many people remain unconvinced, because it’s still Justin Bieber, that Justin Bieber could possibly be this jacked or well endowed. Cue Justin’s pic from today. ‘Nuff said? You can’t tell the length or girth of what’s under the towel (thank goodness), but his abs do look pretty chiseled. Gotta give credit where due there. One burning question, though: Who took the photo he put on Instagram? Selena Gomez? Hailey Baldwin? His mom? Scooter Braun? One of his harem of model “friends”? His trainer? Share your theories in the comments, and scroll through the Calvin Klein gallery if you simply can’t get enough of a buff Justin Bieber shirtless, below Justin Bieber Calvin Klein Ads 1. Justin Bieber Calvin Klein Photo HOLY HOTNESS! Justin Bieber poses here in nothing but his underwear, as he’s an official spokesperson for Calvin Klein. And officially sexy, as well!
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Justin Bieber Grabs Crotch in Newest Pic: Photoshop THIS, Haters!