Tag Archives: britney palmer

Kate Moss Hot for W Magazine of the Day

Here is a hot fucking photoshoot of Kate Moss for W magazine…I don’t know what I like so much about it….I think it’s probably got something to do with Kate Moss being in it…since I’m her number 1 fan….or at least I think I am because I generally hate everyone, but her willingness to live a rockstar life, get drunk and high, not give a fuck about being naked whether paid or unpaid, her love for unprotected sex just touches me at my core….I think we may be soul mates who will never meet….I even gave her a BIRTHDAY NIPPLE RETROSPECTIVE and I generally don’t remember my own birthday….She’s the real fucking deal…here is her dirty cunt wrapped in high fashion underwear….

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Kate Moss Hot for W Magazine of the Day

Brittney Palmer UFC Girl in Playboy of the Day

Britney Palmer busted out her Bald Pussy Muscles and titty muscles for her muscular photoshoot for Playboy that she probably agreed to do becuase back when she was a Magician’s Assistant at the Aladdin Hotel in Vegas in ’06 and the Soloist at the X Burlesque at the Flamingo….this Vegas Showgirls dream was just that….to one day be on the cover a Playboy and it happened for her all because of a small multi billion dollar sport called UFC….where closet cased jocks, raging on steroids watch men wrestle half naked….only to be distracted between rounds by this body….and you know what…any girl living out her dream of being naked….is a girl I am into endorsing….. TO SEE THE HOT ENOUGH MARCH 2012 PLAYBOY PICS FOLLOW THIS LINK

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Brittney Palmer UFC Girl in Playboy of the Day