Tag Archives: busy-reporting

Selena Gomez Is See Through

I’m not sure if this picture of  Selena Gomez taking a nipple-tastic picture with one very, very, very, very lucky fan is new, or if it’s even real, for that matter. But I do know this: I’d be making the exact same face as that girl if I was taking this picture with Selena. Only there’s no way my eyes would be looking at the camera. Yow!

See original here:
Selena Gomez Is See Through

McKayla Maroney’s Booty Expose Continues

I know the rest of the media is busy reporting on the latest Trump clusterf&%k, but here at Tuna HQ, we’re working on an equally important story: I’m trying to figure out whether or not  McKayla Maroney ‘s new booty she’s been showing off lately is real or fake. Here’s a few of her latest pictures, and I still can’t tell for sure, but I promise to continue digging until I get some answers, and I’m willing to risk as many pants fires as it takes. I know, I know. I’m a shoo-in for the Pulitzer this year, right?

Read the original here:
McKayla Maroney’s Booty Expose Continues