These pictures of Miranda Kerr are refreshing because she kept things classy and luxurious when she attended this event. While everyone else in the entertainment or celebrity world remained trashy as fucking shit, she managed to show up to an event looking like she just walked off the pages of some Ralph Lauren ad campaign and the whole thing really excites me, not because I’m so knee deep in sluts and garbage people, especially on the internet that someone seemingly wholesome is refreshing and sexy but because she is at the horse races, which happens to be a new addiction of mine thanks to the local Casino and their electronic horse race board, that is not quite as high society as the shit Miranda Kerr is at, you know with all the drunken french men, old Asian people, strippers and weirdos who show up at 4 am, but it is our own brand of luxury where I did walk away with 10 dollars in winnings the other day despite the Casino not cooperating with taking my picture and putting it on the wall of winners, or having security escort me out for protection from being robbed, probably out of bitterness because they hate people like me winning and the whole thing was great for someone who has proven to be a total fucking loser all these years, Pics via Fame

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Miranda Kerr Keeps it Classy at the Horse Races of the Day
Posted in Celebrities, Gossip, Hot Stuff, Sex
Tagged cage-fighting, celebrity-world, corey feldman, fishnets, Ghetto, Hollywood, Miranda Kerr, niece, picture, Pictures, quality-fake, ralph-lauren, shanna-moakler, success-or-some