Tag Archives: call-out-todd

Steve Honig, Lindsay Lohan Publicist, Quits

Lindsay Lohan’s maligned publicist Steve Honig has called it quits amid one public relations disaster after another from the downwardly spiraling starlet. “He’s resigned as Lindsay’s publicist Wednesday night,” a source tells E! News. Honig, however, declined to elaborate on why he’s decided throw in the towel. “I’m not discussing this out of respect for my client,” he said of his ex-client. Employed by LiLo for a year and a half, Honig has earned every penny. Under his watch, Lindsay Lohan … … headed down the path to financial ruin … passed out in a hotel room at least once … had 911 called on her numerous times … landed in the hospital after a frightening car crash … was arrested as part of a small-time jewelry heist … was banned from a hotel for unpaid bills … got arrested for an alleged hit-and-run … got into an epic fight with Dina Lohan … staved off a Michael Lohan intervention Good luck, Steve Honig replacement. You’ll need it.

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Steve Honig, Lindsay Lohan Publicist, Quits

Tina Fey Goes Off on Todd Akin, Politicians Who Define Rape

Tina Fey is one unhappy comedian. The 30 Rock star spoke last night at the Center for Reproductive Rights Inaugural Gala in New York City, using the opportunity to call out Todd Akin of Missouri, Richard Mourdock of Indiana and other politicians who have remarked on abortion and rape over the past few weeks. “I wish we could have an honest and respectful dialogue about these complicated issues,” Fey said. “But it seems like we can’t right now. And if I have to listen to one more gray-faced man with a two-dollar haircut explain to me what rape is, I’m gonna lose my mind.” Watch now: Tina Fey at Center for Reproductive Rights Gala

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Tina Fey Goes Off on Todd Akin, Politicians Who Define Rape