Tag Archives: campaign-offers

Real Life Quarterback Princess Wins Football Game, Homecoming Crown in Same Night

Back in 1983, a young Helen Hunt starred in the CBS telefilm Quarterback Princess , the true story of a plucky Oregonian teenager named Tami Maida who made it onto her high school’s all-male football team and nabbed the homecoming queen crown, marking a triumphant moment for female athletes. Last week, Brianna Amat of Pinckney, Michigan did the same; after being crowned at halftime during homecoming, the 18-year-old returned to the field to win the game for her team.

Read the rest here:
Real Life Quarterback Princess Wins Football Game, Homecoming Crown in Same Night

See How a Sexy Girl With the Dragon Tattoo Metal Poster is Made While Listening to Trent Reznor’s Score

With two and a half months until David Fincher’s adaptation of The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo hits theaters, another eerie behind-the-scenes video has appeared on the mysterious Tumblr account Mouth Taped Shut . This latest installment in the film’s viral marketing campaign offers audience members a sneak peak into the making of that scandalous Dragon poster — this one shaped like a razor blade and printed on sheets of metal — set against Trent Reznor’s soundtrack.

Originally posted here:
See How a Sexy Girl With the Dragon Tattoo Metal Poster is Made While Listening to Trent Reznor’s Score

Is This Any Way to Treat the American Flag?

Out in the Street Films just released the 91 minute festival cut of their hard hitting, fast cutting, out in the street documentary about people protesting in the streets of L.A. for health care reform. Their new Kickstarter campaign offers signed DVDs, posters, mugs, water bottles and bumper stickers like the one shown above. Is this any way tio treat the American flag? added by: JonRaymond