Tag Archives: career-coming

Nicole Scherzinger Dancing Like an Idiot on Set of the Day

It’s always awkward watching a bitch dance to no music, especially when you’re watching her in pictures. It’s like stupid pose after stupid fucking pose….stupid facial expression after stupid facial expression…that really brings up the important question of why the fuck is this one hit wonder from Pussycat Dolls and one hit wonder from her own solo career coming at us again, older, harder faced and harder bodied, I get that’s it for the money, but that’s not how it’s supposed to work, one hit wonder means you fade into obscurity and live off your millions and the millions of the rich cock you were able to recruit when he thought you were a celebrity, cuz every rich dude wants to date a celebrity, cuz regular bitches can be hot, but are a dime a dozen, semi famous pussy just validates why they got rich in the first place….you can’t fuck your private jet and 500,0000 dollar Rolls Royce, even though I’m sure they’ve tried. Either way, here she is looking like a fool….

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Nicole Scherzinger Dancing Like an Idiot on Set of the Day