I have some insider Israeli spies who read my site and constantly send me Bar Rafaeli gossip that I never bother posting because I don’t care all that much about her day to day life and I barely even care about her bikini body, it doesn’t change my miserable life in anyway, other than by reminding me that my wife doesn’t look like this, but does look like this, but instead looks like one of Bar Rafaeli’s tits if it weighed 250 lbs and had an broken down face that never shut the fuck up….but that’s not the point. The point is that last week, Bar Rafaeli left a hotel called the Carlton at 6 am totally messed the fuck up in a party dress and she was either up all night railin’ coke, or railin’ cock or both

See the original post:
Bar Rafaeli’s Behind the Scenes Bikini Pictures of the Day
Posted in Celebrities, Gossip, Hot Stuff, Sex
Tagged Bikini, carlton, clothes, daughters, Gossip, israel, miserable, party, Pictures, posting-because, rafaeli, their-kids